Source code for viser._gui_handles

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import re
import time
import urllib.parse
import uuid
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import imageio.v3 as iio
import numpy as onp
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from ._icons import svg_from_icon
from ._icons_enum import IconName
from ._message_api import _encode_image_base64
from ._messages import GuiCloseModalMessage, GuiRemoveMessage, GuiUpdateMessage, Message
from .infra import ClientId

    import plotly.graph_objects as go

    from ._gui_api import GuiApi
    from ._viser import ClientHandle

T = TypeVar("T")
TGuiHandle = TypeVar("TGuiHandle", bound="_GuiInputHandle")

def _make_unique_id() -> str:
    """Return a unique ID for referencing GUI elements."""
    return str(uuid.uuid4())

class GuiContainerProtocol(Protocol):
    _children: Dict[str, SupportsRemoveProtocol] = dataclasses.field(

class SupportsRemoveProtocol(Protocol):
    def remove(self) -> None:

class _GuiHandleState(Generic[T]):
    """Internal API for GUI elements."""

    label: str
    typ: Type[T]
    gui_api: GuiApi
    value: T
    update_timestamp: float

    parent_container_id: str
    """Container that this GUI input was placed into."""

    update_cb: List[Callable[[GuiEvent], None]]
    """Registered functions to call when this input is updated."""

    is_button: bool
    """Indicates a button element, which requires special handling."""

    sync_cb: Optional[Callable[[ClientId, Dict[str, Any]], None]]
    """Callback for synchronizing inputs across clients."""

    disabled: bool
    visible: bool

    order: float
    id: str
    hint: Optional[str]

    message_type: Type[Message]

class _GuiInputHandle(Generic[T]):
    # Let's shove private implementation details in here...
    _impl: _GuiHandleState[T]

    # Should we use @property for get_value / set_value, set_hidden, etc?
    # Benefits:
    #   @property is syntactically very nice.
    #   `gui.value = ...` is really tempting!
    #   Feels a bit more magical.
    # Downsides:
    #   Consistency: not everything that can be written can be read, and not everything
    #   that can be read can be written. `get_`/`set_` makes this really clear.
    #   Clarity: some things that we read (like client mappings) are copied before
    #   they're returned. An attribute access obfuscates the overhead here.
    #   Flexibility: getter/setter types should match.
    #   Feels a bit more magical.
    # Is this worth the tradeoff?

    def order(self) -> float:
        """Read-only order value, which dictates the position of the GUI element."""
        return self._impl.order

    def value(self) -> T:
        """Value of the GUI input. Synchronized automatically when assigned."""
        return self._impl.value

    def value(self, value: T | onp.ndarray) -> None:
        if isinstance(value, onp.ndarray):
            assert len(value.shape) <= 1, f"{value.shape} should be at most 1D!"
            value = tuple(map(float, value))  # type: ignore

        # Send to client, except for buttons.
        if not self._impl.is_button:
                GuiUpdateMessage(, {"value": value})

        # Set internal state. We automatically convert numpy arrays to the expected
        # internal type. (eg 1D arrays to tuples)
        self._impl.value = type(self._impl.value)(value)  # type: ignore
        self._impl.update_timestamp = time.time()

        # Call update callbacks.
        for cb in self._impl.update_cb:
            # Pushing callbacks into separate threads helps prevent deadlocks when we
            # have a lock in a callback. TODO: revisit other callbacks.
                lambda: cb(

    def update_timestamp(self) -> float:
        """Read-only timestamp when this input was last updated."""
        return self._impl.update_timestamp

    def disabled(self) -> bool:
        """Allow/disallow user interaction with the input. Synchronized automatically
        when assigned."""
        return self._impl.disabled

    def disabled(self, disabled: bool) -> None:
        if disabled == self.disabled:

            GuiUpdateMessage(, {"disabled": disabled})
        self._impl.disabled = disabled

    def visible(self) -> bool:
        """Temporarily show or hide this GUI element from the visualizer. Synchronized
        automatically when assigned."""
        return self._impl.visible

    def visible(self, visible: bool) -> None:
        if visible == self.visible:

            GuiUpdateMessage(, {"visible": visible})
        self._impl.visible = visible

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        """We need to register ourself after construction for callbacks to work."""
        gui_api = self._impl.gui_api

        # TODO: the current way we track GUI handles and children is very manual +
        # error-prone. We should revist this design.
        gui_api._gui_input_handle_from_id[] = self
        parent = gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._impl.parent_container_id]
        parent._children[] = self

    def remove(self) -> None:
        """Permanently remove this GUI element from the visualizer."""
        gui_api = self._impl.gui_api
        parent = gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._impl.parent_container_id]

StringType = TypeVar("StringType", bound=str)

# GuiInputHandle[T] is used for all inputs except for buttons.
# We inherit from _GuiInputHandle to special-case buttons because the usage semantics
# are slightly different: we have `on_click()` instead of `on_update()`.
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class GuiInputHandle(_GuiInputHandle[T], Generic[T]): """Handle for a general GUI inputs in our visualizer. Lets us get values, set values, and detect updates."""
[docs] def on_update( self: TGuiHandle, func: Callable[[GuiEvent[TGuiHandle]], None] ) -> Callable[[GuiEvent[TGuiHandle]], None]: """Attach a function to call when a GUI input is updated. Happens in a thread.""" self._impl.update_cb.append(func) return func
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class GuiEvent(Generic[TGuiHandle]): """Information associated with a GUI event, such as an update or click. Passed as input to callback functions.""" client: Optional[ClientHandle] """Client that triggered this event.""" client_id: Optional[int] """ID of client that triggered this event.""" target: TGuiHandle """GUI element that was affected."""
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class GuiButtonHandle(_GuiInputHandle[bool]): """Handle for a button input in our visualizer. Lets us detect clicks."""
[docs] def on_click( self: TGuiHandle, func: Callable[[GuiEvent[TGuiHandle]], None] ) -> Callable[[GuiEvent[TGuiHandle]], None]: """Attach a function to call when a button is pressed. Happens in a thread.""" self._impl.update_cb.append(func) return func
@dataclasses.dataclass class UploadedFile: """Result of a file upload.""" name: str """Name of the file.""" content: bytes """Contents of the file.""" @dataclasses.dataclass class GuiUploadButtonHandle(_GuiInputHandle[UploadedFile]): """Handle for an upload file button in our visualizer. The `.value` attribute will be updated with the contents of uploaded files. """ def on_upload( self: TGuiHandle, func: Callable[[GuiEvent[TGuiHandle]], None] ) -> Callable[[GuiEvent[TGuiHandle]], None]: """Attach a function to call when a button is pressed. Happens in a thread.""" self._impl.update_cb.append(func) return func
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class GuiButtonGroupHandle(_GuiInputHandle[StringType], Generic[StringType]): """Handle for a button group input in our visualizer. Lets us detect clicks."""
[docs] def on_click( self: TGuiHandle, func: Callable[[GuiEvent[TGuiHandle]], None] ) -> Callable[[GuiEvent[TGuiHandle]], None]: """Attach a function to call when a button is pressed. Happens in a thread.""" self._impl.update_cb.append(func) return func
@property def disabled(self) -> bool: """Button groups cannot be disabled.""" return False @disabled.setter def disabled(self, disabled: bool) -> None: """Button groups cannot be disabled.""" assert not disabled, "Button groups cannot be disabled."
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class GuiDropdownHandle(GuiInputHandle[StringType], Generic[StringType]): """Handle for a dropdown-style GUI input in our visualizer. Lets us get values, set values, and detect updates.""" _impl_options: Tuple[StringType, ...] @property def options(self) -> Tuple[StringType, ...]: """Options for our dropdown. Synchronized automatically when assigned. For projects that care about typing: the static type of `options` should be consistent with the `StringType` associated with a handle. Literal types will be inferred where possible when handles are instantiated; for the most flexibility, we can declare handles as `GuiDropdownHandle[str]`. """ return self._impl_options @options.setter def options(self, options: Iterable[StringType]) -> None: self._impl_options = tuple(options) need_to_overwrite_value = self.value not in self._impl_options if need_to_overwrite_value: self._impl.gui_api._get_api()._queue( GuiUpdateMessage(, {"options": self._impl_options, "value": self._impl_options[0]}, ) ) self._impl.value = self._impl_options[0] else: self._impl.gui_api._get_api()._queue( GuiUpdateMessage(, {"options": self._impl_options}, ) )
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class GuiTabGroupHandle: _tab_group_id: str _labels: List[str] _icons_html: List[Optional[str]] _tabs: List[GuiTabHandle] _gui_api: GuiApi _parent_container_id: str _order: float @property def order(self) -> float: """Read-only order value, which dictates the position of the GUI element.""" return self._order
[docs] def add_tab(self, label: str, icon: Optional[IconName] = None) -> GuiTabHandle: """Add a tab. Returns a handle we can use to add GUI elements to it.""" id = _make_unique_id() # We may want to make this thread-safe in the future. out = GuiTabHandle(_parent=self, _id=id) self._labels.append(label) self._icons_html.append(None if icon is None else svg_from_icon(icon)) self._tabs.append(out) self._sync_with_client() return out
def __post_init__(self) -> None: parent = self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._parent_container_id] parent._children[self._tab_group_id] = self
[docs] def remove(self) -> None: """Remove this tab group and all contained GUI elements.""" for tab in tuple(self._tabs): tab.remove() gui_api = self._gui_api gui_api._get_api()._queue(GuiRemoveMessage(self._tab_group_id)) parent = gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._parent_container_id] parent._children.pop(self._tab_group_id)
def _sync_with_client(self) -> None: """Send messages for syncing tab state with the client.""" self._gui_api._get_api()._queue( GuiUpdateMessage( self._tab_group_id, { "tab_labels": tuple(self._labels), "tab_icons_html": tuple(self._icons_html), "tab_container_ids": tuple(tab._id for tab in self._tabs), }, ) )
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class GuiFolderHandle: """Use as a context to place GUI elements into a folder.""" _gui_api: GuiApi _id: str # Used as container ID for children. _order: float _parent_container_id: str # Container ID of parent. _container_id_restore: Optional[str] = None _children: Dict[str, SupportsRemoveProtocol] = dataclasses.field( default_factory=dict ) @property def order(self) -> float: """Read-only order value, which dictates the position of the GUI element.""" return self._order def __enter__(self) -> GuiFolderHandle: self._container_id_restore = self._gui_api._get_container_id() self._gui_api._set_container_id(self._id) return self def __exit__(self, *args) -> None: del args assert self._container_id_restore is not None self._gui_api._set_container_id(self._container_id_restore) self._container_id_restore = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._id] = self parent = self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._parent_container_id] parent._children[self._id] = self
[docs] def remove(self) -> None: """Permanently remove this folder and all contained GUI elements from the visualizer.""" self._gui_api._get_api()._queue(GuiRemoveMessage(self._id)) for child in tuple(self._children.values()): child.remove() parent = self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._parent_container_id] parent._children.pop(self._id) self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id.pop(self._id)
@dataclasses.dataclass class GuiModalHandle: """Use as a context to place GUI elements into a modal.""" _gui_api: GuiApi _id: str # Used as container ID of children. _container_id_restore: Optional[str] = None _children: Dict[str, SupportsRemoveProtocol] = dataclasses.field( default_factory=dict ) def __enter__(self) -> GuiModalHandle: self._container_id_restore = self._gui_api._get_container_id() self._gui_api._set_container_id(self._id) return self def __exit__(self, *args) -> None: del args assert self._container_id_restore is not None self._gui_api._set_container_id(self._container_id_restore) self._container_id_restore = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._id] = self def close(self) -> None: """Close this modal and permananently remove all contained GUI elements.""" self._gui_api._get_api()._queue( GuiCloseModalMessage(self._id), ) for child in tuple(self._children.values()): child.remove() self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id.pop(self._id)
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class GuiTabHandle: """Use as a context to place GUI elements into a tab.""" _parent: GuiTabGroupHandle _id: str # Used as container ID of children. _container_id_restore: Optional[str] = None _children: Dict[str, SupportsRemoveProtocol] = dataclasses.field( default_factory=dict ) def __enter__(self) -> GuiTabHandle: self._container_id_restore = self._parent._gui_api._get_container_id() self._parent._gui_api._set_container_id(self._id) return self def __exit__(self, *args) -> None: del args assert self._container_id_restore is not None self._parent._gui_api._set_container_id(self._container_id_restore) self._container_id_restore = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._parent._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._id] = self
[docs] def remove(self) -> None: """Permanently remove this tab and all contained GUI elements from the visualizer.""" # We may want to make this thread-safe in the future. container_index = -1 for i, tab in enumerate(self._parent._tabs): if tab is self: container_index = i break assert container_index != -1, "Tab already removed!" self._parent._labels.pop(container_index) self._parent._icons_html.pop(container_index) self._parent._tabs.pop(container_index) self._parent._sync_with_client() for child in tuple(self._children.values()): child.remove() self._parent._gui_api._container_handle_from_id.pop(self._id)
def _get_data_url(url: str, image_root: Optional[Path]) -> str: if not url.startswith("http") and not image_root: warnings.warn( ( "No `image_root` provided. All relative paths will be scoped to viser's" " installation path." ), stacklevel=2, ) if url.startswith("http") or url.startswith("data:"): return url if image_root is None: image_root = Path(__file__).parent try: image = iio.imread(image_root / url) data_uri = _encode_image_base64(image, "png") url = urllib.parse.quote(f"{data_uri[1]}") return f"data:{data_uri[0]};base64,{url}" except (IOError, FileNotFoundError): warnings.warn( f"Failed to read image {url}, with image_root set to {image_root}.", stacklevel=2, ) return url def _parse_markdown(markdown: str, image_root: Optional[Path]) -> str: markdown = re.sub( r"\!\[([^]]*)\]\(([^]]*)\)", lambda match: ( f"![{}]({_get_data_url(, image_root)})" ), markdown, ) return markdown
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class GuiMarkdownHandle: """Use to remove markdown.""" _gui_api: GuiApi _id: str _visible: bool _parent_container_id: str # Parent. _order: float _image_root: Optional[Path] _content: Optional[str] @property def content(self) -> str: """Current content of this markdown element. Synchronized automatically when assigned.""" assert self._content is not None return self._content @content.setter def content(self, content: str) -> None: self._content = content self._gui_api._get_api()._queue( GuiUpdateMessage( self._id, {"markdown": _parse_markdown(content, self._image_root)}, ) ) @property def order(self) -> float: """Read-only order value, which dictates the position of the GUI element.""" return self._order @property def visible(self) -> bool: """Temporarily show or hide this GUI element from the visualizer. Synchronized automatically when assigned.""" return self._visible @visible.setter def visible(self, visible: bool) -> None: if visible == self.visible: return self._gui_api._get_api()._queue( GuiUpdateMessage(self._id, {"visible": visible}) ) self._visible = visible
[docs] def __post_init__(self) -> None: """We need to register ourself after construction for callbacks to work.""" parent = self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._parent_container_id] parent._children[self._id] = self
[docs] def remove(self) -> None: """Permanently remove this markdown from the visualizer.""" api = self._gui_api._get_api() api._queue(GuiRemoveMessage(self._id)) parent = self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._parent_container_id] parent._children.pop(self._id)
@dataclasses.dataclass class GuiPlotlyHandle: """Use to remove markdown.""" _gui_api: GuiApi _id: str _visible: bool _parent_container_id: str # Parent. _order: float _figure: Optional[go.Figure] _aspect: Optional[float] @property def figure(self) -> go.Figure: """Current content of this markdown element. Synchronized automatically when assigned.""" assert self._figure is not None return self._figure @figure.setter def figure(self, figure: go.Figure) -> None: self._figure = figure json_str = figure.to_json() assert isinstance(json_str, str) self._gui_api._get_api()._queue( GuiUpdateMessage( self._id, {"plotly_json_str": json_str}, ) ) @property def aspect(self) -> float: """Aspect ratio of the plotly figure, in the control panel.""" assert self._aspect is not None return self._aspect @aspect.setter def aspect(self, aspect: float) -> None: self._aspect = aspect self._gui_api._get_api()._queue( GuiUpdateMessage( self._id, {"aspect": aspect}, ) ) @property def order(self) -> float: """Read-only order value, which dictates the position of the GUI element.""" return self._order @property def visible(self) -> bool: """Temporarily show or hide this GUI element from the visualizer. Synchronized automatically when assigned.""" return self._visible @visible.setter def visible(self, visible: bool) -> None: if visible == self.visible: return self._gui_api._get_api()._queue( GuiUpdateMessage(self._id, {"visible": visible}) ) self._visible = visible def __post_init__(self) -> None: """We need to register ourself after construction for callbacks to work.""" parent = self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._parent_container_id] parent._children[self._id] = self def remove(self) -> None: """Permanently remove this plotly element from the visualizer.""" api = self._gui_api._get_api() api._queue(GuiRemoveMessage(self._id)) parent = self._gui_api._container_handle_from_id[self._parent_container_id] parent._children.pop(self._id)