Plots as Images¶
Examples of sending plots as images to Viser’s GUI panel. This can be faster than using Plotly.
1from __future__ import annotations
3import colorsys
4import time
6import cv2
7import numpy as np
8import tyro
10import viser
11import viser.transforms as vtf
14def get_line_plot(
15 xs: np.ndarray,
16 ys: np.ndarray,
17 height: int,
18 width: int,
19 *,
20 x_bounds: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
21 y_bounds: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
22 title: str | None = None,
23 line_thickness: int = 2,
24 grid_x_lines: int = 8,
25 grid_y_lines: int = 5,
26 font_scale: float = 0.4,
27 background_color: tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0),
28 plot_area_color: tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0),
29 grid_color: tuple[int, int, int] = (60, 60, 60),
30 axes_color: tuple[int, int, int] = (100, 100, 100),
31 line_color: tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255),
32 text_color: tuple[int, int, int] = (200, 200, 200),
33) -> np.ndarray:
34 """Create a line plot using OpenCV with axes, labels, and grid.
36 This is much faster than using libraries like Matplotlib or Plotly, but is
37 less flexible.
38 """
40 if x_bounds is None:
41 x_bounds = (np.min(xs), np.max(xs.round(decimals=4)))
42 if y_bounds is None:
43 y_bounds = (np.min(ys), np.max(ys))
45 # Calculate text sizes for padding.
47 sample_y_label = f"{max(abs(y_bounds[0]), abs(y_bounds[1])):.1f}"
48 y_text_size = cv2.getTextSize(sample_y_label, font, font_scale, 1)[0]
50 sample_x_label = f"{max(abs(x_bounds[0]), abs(x_bounds[1])):.1f}"
51 x_text_size = cv2.getTextSize(sample_x_label, font, font_scale, 1)[0]
53 # Define padding based on font scale.
54 extra_padding = 8
55 left_pad = int(y_text_size[0] * 1.5) + extra_padding # Space for y-axis labels
56 right_pad = int(10 * font_scale) + extra_padding
58 # Calculate top padding, accounting for title if present
59 top_pad = int(10 * font_scale) + extra_padding
60 title_font_scale = font_scale * 1.5 # Make title slightly larger
61 if title is not None:
62 title_size = cv2.getTextSize(title, font, title_font_scale, 1)[0]
63 top_pad += title_size[1] + int(10 * font_scale)
65 bottom_pad = int(x_text_size[1] * 2.0) + extra_padding # Space for x-axis labels
67 # Create larger image to accommodate padding.
68 total_height = height
69 total_width = width
70 plot_width = width - left_pad - right_pad
71 plot_height = height - top_pad - bottom_pad
72 assert plot_width > 0 and plot_height > 0
74 # Create image with specified background color
75 img = np.ones((total_height, total_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
76 img[:] = background_color
78 # Create plot area with specified color
79 plot_area = np.ones((plot_height, plot_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
80 plot_area[:] = plot_area_color
81 img[top_pad : top_pad + plot_height, left_pad : left_pad + plot_width] = plot_area
83 def scale_to_pixels(values, bounds, pixels):
84 """Scale values from bounds range to pixel coordinates."""
85 min_val, max_val = bounds
86 normalized = (values - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)
87 return (normalized * (pixels - 1)).astype(np.int32)
89 # Vertical grid lines.
90 for i in range(grid_x_lines):
91 x_pos = left_pad + int(plot_width * i / (grid_x_lines - 1))
92 cv2.line(img, (x_pos, top_pad), (x_pos, top_pad + plot_height), grid_color, 1)
94 # Horizontal grid lines.
95 for i in range(grid_y_lines):
96 y_pos = top_pad + int(plot_height * i / (grid_y_lines - 1))
97 cv2.line(img, (left_pad, y_pos), (left_pad + plot_width, y_pos), grid_color, 1)
99 # Draw axes.
100 cv2.line(
101 img,
102 (left_pad, top_pad + plot_height),
103 (left_pad + plot_width, top_pad + plot_height),
104 axes_color,
105 1,
106 ) # x-axis
107 cv2.line(
108 img, (left_pad, top_pad), (left_pad, top_pad + plot_height), axes_color, 1
109 ) # y-axis
111 # Scale and plot the data.
112 x_scaled = scale_to_pixels(xs, x_bounds, plot_width) + left_pad
113 y_scaled = top_pad + plot_height - 1 - scale_to_pixels(ys, y_bounds, plot_height)
114 pts = np.column_stack((x_scaled, y_scaled)).reshape((-1, 1, 2))
116 # Draw the main plot line.
117 cv2.polylines(
118 img, [pts], False, line_color, thickness=line_thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA
119 )
121 # Draw title if specified
122 if title is not None:
123 title_size = cv2.getTextSize(title, font, title_font_scale, 1)[0]
124 title_x = left_pad + (plot_width - title_size[0]) // 2
125 title_y = int(top_pad / 2) + title_size[1] // 2 - 1
126 cv2.putText(
127 img,
128 title,
129 (title_x, title_y),
130 font,
131 title_font_scale,
132 text_color,
133 1,
134 cv2.LINE_AA,
135 )
137 # X-axis labels.
138 for i in range(grid_x_lines):
139 x_val = x_bounds[0] + (x_bounds[1] - x_bounds[0]) * i / (grid_x_lines - 1)
140 x_pos = left_pad + int(plot_width * i / (grid_x_lines - 1))
141 label = f"{x_val:.1f}"
142 if label == "-0.0":
143 label = "0.0"
144 text_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, font, font_scale, 1)[0]
145 cv2.putText(
146 img,
147 label,
148 (x_pos - text_size[0] // 2, top_pad + plot_height + text_size[1] + 10),
149 font,
150 font_scale,
151 text_color,
152 1,
153 cv2.LINE_AA,
154 )
156 # Y-axis labels.
157 for i in range(grid_y_lines):
158 y_val = y_bounds[0] + (y_bounds[1] - y_bounds[0]) * (grid_y_lines - 1 - i) / (
159 grid_y_lines - 1
160 )
161 y_pos = top_pad + int(plot_height * i / (grid_y_lines - 1))
162 label = f"{y_val:.1f}"
163 if label == "-0.0":
164 label = "0.0"
165 text_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, font, font_scale, 1)[0]
166 cv2.putText(
167 img,
168 label,
169 (left_pad - text_size[0] - 5, y_pos + 5),
170 font,
171 font_scale,
172 text_color,
173 1,
174 cv2.LINE_AA,
175 )
177 return img
180def create_sine_plot(title: str, counter: int) -> np.ndarray:
181 """Create a sine wave plot with the given counter offset."""
182 xs = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 20)
183 rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(counter / 4000 % 1, 1, 1)
184 return get_line_plot(
185 xs=xs,
186 ys=np.sin(xs + counter / 20),
187 title=title,
188 line_color=(int(rgb[0] * 255), int(rgb[1] * 255), int(rgb[2] * 255)),
189 height=150,
190 width=350,
191 )
194def main(num_plots: int = 8) -> None:
195 server = viser.ViserServer()
197 # Create GUI elements for display runtimes.
198 with server.gui.add_folder("Runtime"):
199 draw_time = server.gui.add_text("Draw / plot (ms)", "0.00", disabled=True)
200 send_gui_time = server.gui.add_text(
201 "Gui update / plot (ms)", "0.00", disabled=True
202 )
203 send_scene_time = server.gui.add_text(
204 "Scene update / plot (ms)", "0.00", disabled=True
205 )
207 # Add 2D plots to the GUI.
208 with server.gui.add_folder("Plots"):
209 plots_cb = server.gui.add_checkbox("Update plots", True)
210 gui_image_handles = [
211 server.gui.add_image(
212 create_sine_plot(f"Plot {i}", counter=0),
213 label=f"Image {i}",
214 format="jpeg",
215 )
216 for i in range(num_plots)
217 ]
219 # Add 2D plots to the scene. We flip them with a parent coordinate frame.
220 server.scene.add_frame(
221 "/images", wxyz=vtf.SO3.from_y_radians(np.pi).wxyz, show_axes=False
222 )
223 scene_image_handles = [
224 server.scene.add_image(
225 f"/images/plot{i}",
226 image=gui_image_handles[i].image,
227 render_width=3.5,
228 render_height=1.5,
229 format="jpeg",
230 position=(
231 (i % 2 - 0.5) * 3.5,
232 (i // 2 - (num_plots - 1) / 4) * 1.5,
233 0,
234 ),
235 )
236 for i in range(num_plots)
237 ]
239 counter = 0
241 while True:
242 if plots_cb.value:
243 # Create and time the plot generation.
244 start = time.time()
245 images = [
246 create_sine_plot(f"Plot {i}", counter=counter * (i + 1))
247 for i in range(num_plots)
248 ]
249 draw_time.value = f"{0.98 * float(draw_time.value) + 0.02 * (time.time() - start) / num_plots * 1000:.2f}"
251 # Update all plot images.
252 start = time.time()
253 for i, handle in enumerate(gui_image_handles):
254 handle.image = images[i]
255 send_gui_time.value = f"{0.98 * float(send_gui_time.value) + 0.02 * (time.time() - start) / num_plots * 1000:.2f}"
257 # Update all scene images.
258 start = time.time()
259 for i, handle in enumerate(scene_image_handles):
260 handle.image = gui_image_handles[i].image
261 send_scene_time.value = f"{0.98 * float(send_scene_time.value) + 0.02 * (time.time() - start) / num_plots * 1000:.2f}"
263 # Sleep a bit before continuing.
264 time.sleep(0.02)
265 counter += 1
268if __name__ == "__main__":
269 tyro.cli(main)