Source code for viser.infra._infra

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import asyncio
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import gzip
import http
import logging
import mimetypes
import queue
import threading
from import AbstractEventLoop
from import Coroutine
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, NewType, TypeVar

import msgspec
import rich
import websockets.asyncio.server
import websockets.datastructures
import websockets.exceptions
from typing_extensions import Literal, assert_never, override
from websockets import Headers
from websockets.asyncio.server import ServerConnection
from websockets.http11 import Request, Response

from ._async_message_buffer import AsyncMessageBuffer
from ._messages import Message

class _ClientHandleState:
    # Internal state for ClientConnection objects.
    # message_buffer: asyncio.Queue
    message_buffer: AsyncMessageBuffer
    event_loop: AbstractEventLoop

ClientId = NewType("ClientId", int)
TMessage = TypeVar("TMessage", bound=Message)

[docs] class StateSerializer: """Handle for serializing messages. In Viser, this is used to save the scene state so it can be shared/embedded in static webpages.""" def __init__( self, handler: WebsockMessageHandler, filter: Callable[[Message], bool] ): self._handler = handler self._filter = filter self._time: float = 0.0 self._messages: list[tuple[float, dict[str, Any]]] = [] def _insert_message(self, message: Message) -> None: """Insert a message into the recorded file.""" # Exclude messages that are filtered out. In Viser, this is typically # GUI messages. if not self._filter(message): return self._messages.append((self._time, message.as_serializable_dict()))
[docs] def insert_sleep(self, duration: float) -> None: """Insert a sleep into the recorded file. This can be useful for dynamic 3D data.""" assert self._handler._record_handle is not None, ( "serialize() was already called!" ) self._time += duration
[docs] def serialize(self) -> bytes: """Serialize saved messages. Should only be called once. Our convention is to write this binary format to a file with a ``.viser`` extension, for example via ``pathlib.Path("file.viser").write_bytes(...)``. Returns: The recording as bytes. """ assert self._handler._record_handle is not None, ( "serialize() was already called!" ) import viser packed_bytes = msgspec.msgpack.encode( { "durationSeconds": self._time, "messages": self._messages, "viserVersion": viser.__version__, } ) assert isinstance(packed_bytes, bytes) self._handler._record_handle = None return gzip.compress(packed_bytes, compresslevel=9)
[docs] class WebsockMessageHandler: """Mix-in for adding message handling to a class.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self._incoming_handlers: dict[ type[Message], list[Callable[[ClientId, Message], None | Coroutine]] ] = {} self._queued_messages: queue.Queue = queue.Queue() self._locked_thread_id = -1 # Set to None if not recording. self._record_handle: StateSerializer | None = None
[docs] def get_message_serializer( self, filter: Callable[[Message], bool] ) -> StateSerializer: """Start recording messages that are sent. Sent messages will be serialized and can be used for playback.""" assert self._record_handle is None, "Already recording." self._record_handle = StateSerializer(self, filter) return self._record_handle
[docs] def register_handler( self, message_cls: type[TMessage], callback: Callable[[ClientId, TMessage], None | Coroutine], ) -> None: """Register a handler for a particular message type.""" if message_cls not in self._incoming_handlers: self._incoming_handlers[message_cls] = [] self._incoming_handlers[message_cls].append(callback) # type: ignore
[docs] def unregister_handler( self, message_cls: type[TMessage], callback: Callable[[ClientId, TMessage], None | Coroutine] | None = None, ): """Unregister a handler for a particular message type.""" assert message_cls in self._incoming_handlers, ( "Tried to unregister a handler that hasn't been registered." ) if callback is None: self._incoming_handlers.pop(message_cls) else: self._incoming_handlers[message_cls].remove(callback) # type: ignore
async def _handle_incoming_message( self, client_id: ClientId, message: Message ) -> None: """Handle incoming messages.""" if type(message) in self._incoming_handlers: for cb in self._incoming_handlers[type(message)]: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(cb): await cb(client_id, message) else: cb(client_id, message)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_message_buffer(self) -> AsyncMessageBuffer: ...
[docs] def queue_message(self, message: Message) -> None: """Wrapped method for sending messages.""" if self._record_handle is not None: self._record_handle._insert_message(message) self.get_message_buffer().push(message)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def atomic(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Returns a context where: all outgoing messages are grouped and applied by clients atomically. This should be treated as a soft constraint that's helpful for things like animations, or when we want position and orientation updates to happen synchronously. Returns: Context manager. """ # If called multiple times in the same thread, we ignore inner calls. self.get_message_buffer().atomic_start() yield self.get_message_buffer().atomic_end()
[docs] class WebsockClientConnection(WebsockMessageHandler): """Handle for sending messages to and listening to messages from a single connected client.""" def __init__( self, client_id: int, client_state: _ClientHandleState, ) -> None: self.client_id = client_id self._state = client_state super().__init__()
[docs] @override def get_message_buffer(self) -> AsyncMessageBuffer: """Get client message buffer.""" return self._state.message_buffer
[docs] class WebsockServer(WebsockMessageHandler): """Websocket server abstraction. Communicates asynchronously with client applications. By default, all messages are broadcasted to all connected clients. To send messages to an individual client, we can use `on_client_connect()` to retrieve client handles. Args: host: Host to bind server to. port: Port to bind server to. message_class: Base class for message types. Subclasses of the message type should have unique names. This argument is optional currently, but will be required in the future. http_server_root: Path to root for HTTP server. verbose: Toggle for print messages. client_api_version: Flag for backwards compatibility. 0 sends individual messages. 1 sends windowed messages. """ def __init__( self, host: str, port: int, message_class: type[Message] = Message, http_server_root: Path | None = None, verbose: bool = True, client_api_version: Literal[0, 1] = 0, ): super().__init__() # Track connected clients. self._client_connect_cb: list[ Callable[[WebsockClientConnection], None | Coroutine] ] = [] self._client_disconnect_cb: list[ Callable[[WebsockClientConnection], None | Coroutine] ] = [] self._host = host self._port = port self._message_class = message_class self._http_server_root = http_server_root self._verbose = verbose self._client_api_version: Literal[0, 1] = client_api_version self._background_event_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None = None self._stop_event: asyncio.Event | None = None self._client_state_from_id: dict[int, _ClientHandleState] = {}
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Start the server.""" # Start server thread. ready_sem = threading.Semaphore(value=1) ready_sem.acquire() threading.Thread( target=lambda: self._background_worker(ready_sem), daemon=True, ).start() # Wait for ready signal from the background thread. ready_sem.acquire() # Broadcast buffer should be populated by the background worker. assert isinstance(self._broadcast_buffer, AsyncMessageBuffer)
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the server.""" assert self._background_event_loop is not None assert self._stop_event is not None self._background_event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._stop_event.set)
[docs] def on_client_connect( self, cb: Callable[[WebsockClientConnection], None | Coroutine] ) -> None: """Attach a callback to run for newly connected clients.""" self._client_connect_cb.append(cb)
[docs] def on_client_disconnect( self, cb: Callable[[WebsockClientConnection], None | Coroutine] ) -> None: """Attach a callback to run when clients disconnect.""" self._client_disconnect_cb.append(cb)
[docs] @override def get_message_buffer(self) -> AsyncMessageBuffer: """Pushes a message onto the broadcast queue. Message will be sent to all clients.""" return self._broadcast_buffer
[docs] def flush(self) -> None: """Flush the outgoing message buffer for broadcasted messages. Any buffered messages will immediately be sent. (by default they are windowed)""" self._broadcast_buffer.flush()
[docs] def flush_client(self, client_id: int) -> None: """Flush the outgoing message buffer for a particular client. Any buffered messages will immediately be sent. (by default they are windowed)""" self._client_state_from_id[client_id].message_buffer.flush()
def _background_worker(self, ready_sem: threading.Semaphore) -> None: host = self._host port = self._port message_class = self._message_class http_server_root = self._http_server_root # Need to make a new event loop for notebook compatbility. event_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(event_loop) self._stop_event = asyncio.Event() self._background_event_loop = event_loop self._broadcast_buffer = AsyncMessageBuffer( event_loop, persistent_messages=True ) count_lock = asyncio.Lock() connection_count = 0 total_connections = 0 async def ws_handler( connection: websockets.asyncio.server.ServerConnection, ) -> None: """Handler for websocket connections.""" async with count_lock: nonlocal connection_count client_id = ClientId(connection_count) connection_count += 1 nonlocal total_connections total_connections += 1 client_state = _ClientHandleState( AsyncMessageBuffer(event_loop, persistent_messages=False), event_loop, ) client_connection = WebsockClientConnection(client_id, client_state) self._client_state_from_id[client_id] = client_state def handle_incoming(message: Message) -> None: event_loop.create_task( self._handle_incoming_message(client_id, message) ) event_loop.create_task( client_connection._handle_incoming_message(client_id, message) ) # New connection callbacks. for cb in self._client_connect_cb: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(cb): await cb(client_connection) else: cb(client_connection) if self._verbose: rich.print( f"[bold](viser)[/bold] Connection opened ({client_id}," f" {total_connections} total)," f" {len(self._broadcast_buffer.message_from_id)} persistent" " messages" ) try: # For each client: infinite loop over producers (which send messages) # and consumers (which receive messages). await asyncio.gather( _message_producer( connection, client_state.message_buffer, client_id, self._client_api_version, ), _message_producer( connection, self._broadcast_buffer, client_id, self._client_api_version, ), _message_consumer(connection, handle_incoming, message_class), ) except ( websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError, ): # We use a sentinel value to signal that the client producer thread # should exit. # # This is partially cosmetic: it allows us to safely finish pending # queue get() tasks, which suppresses a "Task was destroyed but it is # pending" error. client_state.message_buffer.set_done() # Disconnection callbacks. for cb in self._client_disconnect_cb: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(cb): await cb(client_connection) else: cb(client_connection) # Cleanup. self._client_state_from_id.pop(client_id) total_connections -= 1 if self._verbose: rich.print( f"[bold](viser)[/bold] Connection closed ({client_id}," f" {total_connections} total)" ) # Host client on the same port as the websocket. file_cache: dict[Path, bytes] = {} file_cache_gzipped: dict[Path, bytes] = {} filter_added = False def viser_http_server( connection: ServerConnection, request: Request, ) -> Response | None: # <Hack> # Suppress errors for: # TODO: remove this when websockets behavior changes upstream. nonlocal filter_added if not filter_added: class NoHttpErrors(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): return not record.getMessage() == "opening handshake failed" connection.logger.logger.addFilter(NoHttpErrors()) # type: ignore filter_added = True # </Hack> # Ignore websocket packets. if request.headers.get("Upgrade") == "websocket": return None # Strip out search params, get relative path. path = request.path path = path.partition("?")[0] relpath = str(Path(path).relative_to("/")) if relpath == ".": relpath = "index.html" assert http_server_root is not None source_path = http_server_root / relpath if not source_path.exists(): return Response(http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "NOT FOUND", Headers()) use_gzip = "gzip" in request.headers.get("Accept-Encoding", "") # First, try some known MIME types. Using guess_type() can cause # problems for Javascript on some Windows machines. # # Some references: # # # # # We're assuming UTF-8, this is mostly reasonable but might want to revisit. mime_type = { ".css": "text/css; charset=utf-8", ".gif": "image/gif", ".htm": "text/html; charset=utf-8", ".html": "text/html; charset=utf-8", ".jpg": "image/jpeg", ".js": "application/javascript", ".wasm": "application/wasm", ".pdf": "application/pdf", ".png": "image/png", ".svg": "image/svg+xml", ".xml": "text/xml; charset=utf-8", }.get(Path(path).suffix.lower(), None) if mime_type is None: mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(relpath)[0] if mime_type is None: mime_type = "application/octet-stream" response_headers = { "Content-Type": mime_type, } if source_path not in file_cache: file_cache[source_path] = source_path.read_bytes() if use_gzip: response_headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" if source_path not in file_cache_gzipped: file_cache_gzipped[source_path] = gzip.compress( file_cache[source_path] ) response_payload = file_cache_gzipped[source_path] else: response_payload = file_cache[source_path] # Try to read + send over file. return Response( http.HTTPStatus.OK, "OK", websockets.datastructures.Headers(**response_headers), response_payload, ) # return (http.HTTPStatus.OK, response_headers, response_payload) async def start_server() -> None: port_attempt = port for _ in range(1000): try: async with websockets.asyncio.server.serve( ws_handler, host, port_attempt, # Compression can be too slow for our use cases. compression=None, process_request=( viser_http_server if http_server_root is not None else None ), ) as serve_future: assert serve_future.server is not None self._port = port_attempt ready_sem.release() assert self._stop_event is not None await self._stop_event.wait() return except OSError: # Port not available. port_attempt += 1 continue event_loop.run_until_complete(start_server()) rich.print("[bold](viser)[/bold] Server stopped")
async def _message_producer( websocket: ServerConnection, buffer: AsyncMessageBuffer, client_id: int, client_api_version: Literal[0, 1], ) -> None: """Infinite loop to broadcast windows of messages from a buffer.""" window_generator = buffer.window_generator(client_id) while not buffer.done: outgoing = await window_generator.__anext__() if client_api_version == 1: serialized = msgspec.msgpack.encode( tuple(message.as_serializable_dict() for message in outgoing) ) assert isinstance(serialized, bytes) await websocket.send(serialized) elif client_api_version == 0: for msg in outgoing: serialized = msgspec.msgpack.encode(msg.as_serializable_dict()) assert isinstance(serialized, bytes) await websocket.send(serialized) else: assert_never(client_api_version) async def _message_consumer( websocket: ServerConnection, handle_message: Callable[[Message], None], message_class: type[Message], ) -> None: """Infinite loop waiting for and then handling incoming messages.""" while True: raw = await websocket.recv() assert isinstance(raw, bytes) message = message_class.deserialize(raw) handle_message(message) def error_print_wrapper(inner: Callable[[], Any]) -> Callable[[], None]: """Wrap a Callable to print error messages when they happen. This can be helpful for jobs submitted to ThreadPoolExecutor instances, which, by default, will suppress error messages until returned futures are awaited. """ def wrapped() -> None: try: inner() except Exception as e: import traceback as tb tb.print_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__, limit=100) return wrapped