Source code for viser._scene_api

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import io
import time
import warnings
from import Coroutine
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast, get_args

import imageio.v3 as iio
import numpy as np
from typing_extensions import Literal, ParamSpec, TypeAlias, assert_never

from . import _messages
from . import transforms as tf
from ._scene_handles import (
from ._threadpool_exceptions import print_threadpool_errors

    import trimesh

    from ._viser import ClientHandle, ViserServer
    from .infra import ClientId

P = ParamSpec("P")

RgbTupleOrArray: TypeAlias = Union[
    Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[float, float, float], np.ndarray

NoneOrCoroutine = TypeVar("NoneOrCoroutine", None, Coroutine)

def _encode_rgb(rgb: RgbTupleOrArray) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
    if isinstance(rgb, np.ndarray):
        assert rgb.shape == (3,)
    rgb_fixed = tuple(
        int(value) if np.issubdtype(type(value), np.integer) else int(value * 255)
        for value in rgb
    assert len(rgb_fixed) == 3
    return rgb_fixed  # type: ignore

def _encode_image_binary(
    image: np.ndarray,
    format: Literal["png", "jpeg", "image/png", "image/jpeg"],
    jpeg_quality: int | None = None,
) -> tuple[Literal["image/png", "image/jpeg"], bytes]:
    media_type: Literal["image/png", "image/jpeg"]
    image = colors_to_uint8(image)
    with io.BytesIO() as data_buffer:
        if format in ("png", "image/png"):
            media_type = "image/png"
            iio.imwrite(data_buffer, image, extension=".png")
        elif format in ("jpeg", "image/jpeg"):
            media_type = "image/jpeg"
                image[..., :3],  # Strip alpha.
                quality=75 if jpeg_quality is None else jpeg_quality,
        binary = data_buffer.getvalue()
    return media_type, binary

TVector = TypeVar("TVector", bound=tuple)

def cast_vector(vector: TVector | np.ndarray, length: int) -> TVector:
    if not isinstance(vector, tuple):
        assert cast(np.ndarray, vector).shape == (length,), (
            f"Expected vector of shape {(length,)}, but got {vector.shape} instead"
    return cast(TVector, tuple(map(float, vector)))

[docs] class SceneApi: """Interface for adding 3D primitives to the scene. Used by both our global server object, for sharing the same GUI elements with all clients, and by individual client handles.""" def __init__( self, owner: ViserServer | ClientHandle, # Who do I belong to? thread_executor: ThreadPoolExecutor, event_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, ) -> None: from ._viser import ViserServer self._thread_executor = thread_executor self._event_loop = event_loop self._owner = owner """Entity that owns this API.""" self._websock_interface = ( owner._websock_server if isinstance(owner, ViserServer) else owner._websock_connection ) """Interface for sending and listening to messages.""" self._handle_from_transform_controls_name: dict[ str, TransformControlsHandle ] = {} self._handle_from_node_name: dict[str, SceneNodeHandle] = {} self._scene_pointer_cb: ( Callable[[ScenePointerEvent], None | Coroutine] | None ) = None self._scene_pointer_done_cb: Callable[[], None | Coroutine] = lambda: None self._scene_pointer_event_type: _messages.ScenePointerEventType | None = None # Set up world axes handle. self.world_axes: FrameHandle = self.add_frame( "/WorldAxes", axes_radius=0.0125, ) """Handle for the world axes, which are created by default.""" self.world_axes.visible = False self._websock_interface.register_handler( _messages.TransformControlsUpdateMessage, self._handle_transform_controls_updates, ) self._websock_interface.register_handler( _messages.SceneNodeClickMessage, self._handle_node_click_updates, ) self._websock_interface.register_handler( _messages.ScenePointerMessage, self._handle_scene_pointer_updates, )
[docs] def set_up_direction( self, direction: Literal["+x", "+y", "+z", "-x", "-y", "-z"] | tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray, ) -> None: """Set the global up direction of the scene. By default we follow +Z-up (similar to Blender, 3DS Max, ROS, etc), the most common alternative is +Y (OpenGL, Maya, etc). In practice, the impact of this can improve (1) the ergonomics of camera controls, which will default to the same up direction as the scene, and (2) lighting, because the default lights and environment map are oriented to match the scene's up direction. Args: direction: New up direction. Can either be a string (one of +x, +y, +z, -x, -y, -z) or a length-3 direction vector. """ if isinstance(direction, str): direction = { "+x": (1, 0, 0), "+y": (0, 1, 0), "+z": (0, 0, 1), "-x": (-1, 0, 0), "-y": (0, -1, 0), "-z": (0, 0, -1), }[direction] assert not isinstance(direction, str) default_three_up = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) direction = np.asarray(direction) def rotate_between(before: np.ndarray, after: np.ndarray) -> tf.SO3: assert before.shape == after.shape == (3,) before = before / np.linalg.norm(before) after = after / np.linalg.norm(after) angle = np.arccos(np.clip(, after), -1, 1)) axis = np.cross(before, after) if np.allclose(axis, np.zeros(3), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5): unit_vector = np.arange(3) == np.argmin(np.abs(before)) axis = np.cross(before, unit_vector) axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis) return tf.SO3.exp(angle * axis) R_threeworld_world = rotate_between(direction, default_three_up) # Rotate the world frame such that: # If we set +Y to up, +X and +Z should face the camera. # If we set +Z to up, +X and +Y should face the camera. # In App.tsx, the camera is initialized at [-3, 3, -3] in the threejs # coordinate frame. desired_fwd = np.array([-1.0, 0.0, -1.0]) / np.sqrt(2.0) current_fwd = R_threeworld_world @ (np.ones(3) / np.sqrt(3.0)) current_fwd = current_fwd * np.array([1.0, 0.0, 1.0]) current_fwd = current_fwd / np.linalg.norm(current_fwd) R_threeworld_world = ( tf.SO3.from_y_radians( # Rotate around the null space / up direction. np.arctan2( np.cross(current_fwd, desired_fwd)[1],, desired_fwd), ), )
[docs] @ R_threeworld_world ) if not np.any(np.isnan(R_threeworld_world.wxyz)): # Set the orientation of the root node. self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.SetOrientationMessage( "", cast_vector(R_threeworld_world.wxyz, 4) ) )
def set_global_visibility(self, visible: bool) -> None: """Set visibility for all scene nodes. If set to False, all scene nodes will be hidden. This can be useful when we've called :meth:`SceneApi.set_background_image()`, and want to hide everything except for the background. Args: visible: Whether or not all scene nodes should be visible. """ self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.SetSceneNodeVisibilityMessage("", visible) )
[docs] def add_light_directional( self, name: str, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), intensity: float = 1.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> DirectionalLightHandle: """ Add a directional light to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. color: Color of the light. intensity: Light's strength/intensity. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ message = _messages.DirectionalLightMessage( name, _messages.DirectionalLightProps(color, intensity) ) return DirectionalLightHandle._make( self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible )
[docs] def add_light_ambient( self, name: str, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), intensity: float = 1.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> AmbientLightHandle: """ Add an ambient light to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. color: Color of the light. intensity: Light's strength/intensity. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ message = _messages.AmbientLightMessage( name, _messages.AmbientLightProps(color, intensity) ) return AmbientLightHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_light_hemisphere( self, name: str, sky_color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), ground_color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), intensity: float = 1.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> HemisphereLightHandle: """ Add a hemisphere light to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. sky_color: The light's sky color. ground_color: The light's ground color. intensity: Light's strength/intensity. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ message = _messages.HemisphereLightMessage( name, _messages.HemisphereLightProps(sky_color, ground_color, intensity) ) return HemisphereLightHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_light_point( self, name: str, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), intensity: float = 1.0, distance: float = 0.0, decay: float = 2.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> PointLightHandle: """ Add a point light to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. color: Color of the light. intensity: Light's strength/intensity. distance: Maximum distance of light. decay: The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ message = _messages.PointLightMessage( name, _messages.PointLightProps( color=color, intensity=intensity, distance=distance, decay=decay, ), ) return PointLightHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_light_rectarea( self, name: str, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), intensity: float = 1.0, width: float = 10.0, height: float = 10.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> RectAreaLightHandle: """ Add a rectangular area light to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. color: Color of the light. intensity: Light's strength/intensity. width: The width of the light. height: The height of the light. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ message = _messages.RectAreaLightMessage( name=name, props=_messages.RectAreaLightProps( color=color, intensity=intensity, width=width, height=height, ), ) return RectAreaLightHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_light_spot( self, name: str, color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), distance: float = 0.0, angle: float = np.pi / 3, penumbra: float = 0.0, decay: float = 2.0, intensity: float = 1.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> SpotLightHandle: """ Add a spot light to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. color: Color of the light. distance: Maximum distance of light. angle: Maximum extent of the spotlight, in radians, from its direction. Should be no more than Math.PI/2. penumbra: Percent of the spotlight cone that is attenuated due to penumbra. Between 0 and 1. decay: The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. intensity: Light's strength/intensity. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ message = _messages.SpotLightMessage( name, _messages.SpotLightProps( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay ), ) return SpotLightHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def set_environment_map( self, hdri: None | Literal[ "apartment", "city", "dawn", "forest", "lobby", "night", "park", "studio", "sunset", "warehouse", ] = "warehouse", background: bool = False, background_blurriness: float = 0.0, background_intensity: float = 1.0, background_wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ), environment_intensity: float = 1.0, environment_wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ), ) -> None: """Set the environment map for the scene. This will set some lights and background. Args: hdri: Preset HDRI environment to use. background: Show or hide the environment map in the background. background_blurriness: Blur factor of the environment map background (0-1). background_intensity: Intensity of the background. background_wxyz: Orientation of the background. environment_intensity: Intensity of the environment lighting. environment_wxyz: Orientation of the environment lighting. """ self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.EnvironmentMapMessage( hdri=hdri, background=background, background_blurriness=background_blurriness, background_intensity=background_intensity, background_wxyz=cast_vector(background_wxyz, 4), environment_intensity=environment_intensity, environment_wxyz=cast_vector(environment_wxyz, 4), ) )
[docs] def enable_default_lights(self, enabled: bool = True) -> None: """Enable/disable the default lights in the scene. If not otherwise specified, default lighting will be enabled. This does not affect lighting from the environment map. To turn these off, see :meth:`SceneApi.set_environment_map()`. Args: enabled: True if user wants default lighting. False if user does not want default lighting. """ self._websock_interface.queue_message(_messages.EnableLightsMessage(enabled))
[docs] def add_glb( self, name: str, glb_data: bytes, scale: float = 1.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> GlbHandle: """Add a general 3D asset via binary glTF (GLB). For glTF files, it's often simpler to use `trimesh.load()` with `.add_mesh_trimesh()`. This will call `.add_glb()` under the hood. For glTF features not supported by trimesh, glTF to GLB conversion can also be done programatically with libraries like `pygltflib`. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. glb_data: A binary payload. scale: A scale for resizing the GLB asset. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ message = _messages.GlbMessage(name, _messages.GlbProps(glb_data, scale)) return GlbHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_line_segments( self, name: str, points: np.ndarray, colors: np.ndarray | tuple[float, float, float], line_width: float = 1, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> LineSegmentsHandle: """Add line segments to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. points: A numpy array of shape (N, 2, 3) defining start/end points for each of N line segments. colors: Colors of points. Should have shape (N, 2, 3) or be broadcastable to it. line_width: Width of the lines. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not these line segments are initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ points_array = np.asarray(points, dtype=np.float32) if ( points_array.shape[-1] != 3 or points_array.ndim != 3 or points_array.shape[1] != 2 ): raise ValueError("Points should have shape (N, 2, 3) for N line segments.") colors_array = colors_to_uint8(np.asarray(colors)) colors_array = np.broadcast_to(colors_array, points_array.shape) message = _messages.LineSegmentsMessage( name=name, props=_messages.LineSegmentsProps( points=points_array, colors=colors_array, line_width=line_width, ), ) return LineSegmentsHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_spline_catmull_rom( self, name: str, # The naming inconsistency here compared to add_line_segments is unfortunate... positions: tuple[tuple[float, float, float], ...] | np.ndarray, curve_type: Literal["centripetal", "chordal", "catmullrom"] = "centripetal", tension: float = 0.5, closed: bool = False, line_width: float = 1, color: RgbTupleOrArray = (20, 20, 20), segments: int | None = None, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> SplineCatmullRomHandle: """Add a spline to the scene using Catmull-Rom interpolation. This method creates a spline based on a set of positions and interpolates them using the Catmull-Rom algorithm. This can be used to create smooth curves. If many splines are needed, it'll be more efficient to batch them in :meth:`add_line_segments()`. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. positions: A tuple of 3D positions (x, y, z) defining the spline's path. curve_type: Type of the curve ('centripetal', 'chordal', 'catmullrom'). tension: Tension of the curve. Affects the tightness of the curve. closed: Boolean indicating if the spline is closed (forms a loop). line_width: Width of the spline line. color: Color of the spline as an RGB tuple. segments: Number of segments to divide the spline into. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ if isinstance(positions, np.ndarray): assert len(positions.shape) == 2 and positions.shape[1] == 3 positions = tuple(map(tuple, positions)) # type: ignore assert len(positions[0]) == 3 assert isinstance(positions, tuple) message = _messages.CatmullRomSplineMessage( name, _messages.CatmullRomSplineProps( positions, curve_type, tension, closed, line_width, _encode_rgb(color), segments=segments, ), ) return SplineCatmullRomHandle._make( self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible )
[docs] def add_spline_cubic_bezier( self, name: str, positions: tuple[tuple[float, float, float], ...] | np.ndarray, control_points: tuple[tuple[float, float, float], ...] | np.ndarray, line_width: float = 1.0, color: RgbTupleOrArray = (20, 20, 20), segments: int | None = None, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> SplineCubicBezierHandle: """Add a spline to the scene using Cubic Bezier interpolation. This method allows for the creation of a cubic Bezier spline based on given positions and control points. It is useful for creating complex, smooth, curving shapes. If many splines are needed, it'll be more efficient to batch them in :meth:`add_line_segments()`. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. positions: A tuple of 3D positions (x, y, z) defining the spline's key points. control_points: A tuple of control points for Bezier curve shaping. line_width: Width of the spline line. color: Color of the spline as an RGB tuple. segments: Number of segments to divide the spline into. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ if isinstance(positions, np.ndarray): assert len(positions.shape) == 2 and positions.shape[1] == 3 positions = tuple(map(tuple, positions)) # type: ignore if isinstance(control_points, np.ndarray): assert len(control_points.shape) == 2 and control_points.shape[1] == 3 control_points = tuple(map(tuple, control_points)) # type: ignore assert isinstance(positions, tuple) assert isinstance(control_points, tuple) assert len(control_points) == (2 * len(positions) - 2) message = _messages.CubicBezierSplineMessage( name, _messages.CubicBezierSplineProps( positions, control_points, line_width, _encode_rgb(color), segments=segments, ), ) return SplineCubicBezierHandle._make( self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible )
[docs] def add_camera_frustum( self, name: str, fov: float, aspect: float, scale: float = 0.3, line_width: float = 2.0, color: RgbTupleOrArray = (20, 20, 20), image: np.ndarray | None = None, format: Literal["png", "jpeg"] = "jpeg", jpeg_quality: int | None = None, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, *_removed_kwargs, ) -> CameraFrustumHandle: """Add a camera frustum to the scene for visualization. This method adds a frustum representation, typically used to visualize the field of view of a camera. It's helpful for understanding the perspective and coverage of a camera in the 3D space. Like all cameras in the viser Python API, frustums follow the OpenCV [+Z forward, +X right, +Y down] convention. fov is vertical in radians; aspect is width over height. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. fov: Field of view of the camera (in radians). aspect: Aspect ratio of the camera (width over height). scale: Scale factor for the size of the frustum. line_width: Width of the frustum lines, in screen space. Defaults to `2.0`. color: Color of the frustum as an RGB tuple. image: Optional image to be displayed on the frustum. format: Format of the provided image ('png' or 'jpeg'). jpeg_quality: Quality of the jpeg image (if jpeg format is used). wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ if "line_thickness" in _removed_kwargs: warnings.warn( "The 'line_thickness' argument has been removed. Please use 'line_width' instead. Note that the units have been changed from world space to screen space.", DeprecationWarning, ) if image is not None: media_type, binary = _encode_image_binary( image, format, jpeg_quality=jpeg_quality ) else: media_type = None binary = None message = _messages.CameraFrustumMessage( name=name, props=_messages.CameraFrustumProps( fov=fov, aspect=aspect, scale=scale, line_width=line_width, color=_encode_rgb(color), image_media_type=media_type, _image_data=binary, ), ) handle = CameraFrustumHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible) handle._image = image handle._jpeg_quality = jpeg_quality return handle
[docs] def add_frame( self, name: str, show_axes: bool = True, axes_length: float = 0.5, axes_radius: float = 0.025, origin_radius: float | None = None, origin_color: RgbTupleOrArray = (236, 236, 0), wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> FrameHandle: """Add a coordinate frame to the scene. This method is used for adding a visual representation of a coordinate frame, which can help in understanding the orientation and position of objects in 3D space. For cases where we want to visualize many coordinate frames, like trajectories containing thousands or tens of thousands of frames, batching and calling :meth:`add_batched_axes()` may be a better choice than calling :meth:`add_frame()` in a loop. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. show_axes: Boolean to indicate whether to show the frame as a set of axes + origin sphere. axes_length: Length of each axis. axes_radius: Radius of each axis. origin_radius: Radius of the origin sphere. If not set, defaults to `2 * axes_radius`. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ if origin_radius is None: origin_radius = axes_radius * 2 message = _messages.FrameMessage( name=name, props=_messages.FrameProps( show_axes=show_axes, axes_length=axes_length, axes_radius=axes_radius, origin_radius=origin_radius, origin_color=_encode_rgb(origin_color), ), ) return FrameHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_batched_axes( self, name: str, batched_wxyzs: tuple[tuple[float, float, float, float], ...] | np.ndarray, batched_positions: tuple[tuple[float, float, float], ...] | np.ndarray, axes_length: float = 0.5, axes_radius: float = 0.025, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> BatchedAxesHandle: """Visualize batched sets of coordinate frame axes. The functionality of :meth:`add_batched_axes()` overlaps significantly with :meth:`add_frame()` when `show_axes=True`. The primary difference is that :meth:`add_batched_axes()` supports multiple axes via the `wxyzs_batched` (shape Nx4) and `positions_batched` (shape Nx3) arguments. Axes that are batched and rendered via a single call to `add_batched_axes()` are instanced on the client; this will be much faster to render than `add_frame()` called in a loop. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. batched_wxyzs: Float array of shape (N,4). batched_positions: Float array of shape (N,3). axes_length: Length of each axis. axes_radius: Radius of each axis. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). This will be applied to all axes. position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). This will be applied to all axes. visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ batched_wxyzs = np.asarray(batched_wxyzs) batched_positions = np.asarray(batched_positions) num_axes = batched_wxyzs.shape[0] assert batched_wxyzs.shape == (num_axes, 4) assert batched_positions.shape == (num_axes, 3) props = _messages.BatchedAxesProps( wxyzs_batched=batched_wxyzs.astype(np.float32), positions_batched=batched_positions.astype(np.float32), axes_length=axes_length, axes_radius=axes_radius, ) message = _messages.BatchedAxesMessage( name=name, props=props, ) return BatchedAxesHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_grid( self, name: str, width: float = 10.0, height: float = 10.0, width_segments: int = 10, height_segments: int = 10, plane: Literal["xz", "xy", "yx", "yz", "zx", "zy"] = "xy", cell_color: RgbTupleOrArray = (200, 200, 200), cell_thickness: float = 1.0, cell_size: float = 0.5, section_color: RgbTupleOrArray = (140, 140, 140), section_thickness: float = 1.0, section_size: float = 1.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> GridHandle: """Add a 2D grid to the scene. This can be useful as a size, orientation, or ground plane reference. Args: name: Name of the grid. width: Width of the grid. height: Height of the grid. width_segments: Number of segments along the width. height_segments: Number of segments along the height. plane: The plane in which the grid is oriented (e.g., 'xy', 'yz'). cell_color: Color of the grid cells as an RGB tuple. cell_thickness: Thickness of the grid lines. cell_size: Size of each cell in the grid. section_color: Color of the grid sections as an RGB tuple. section_thickness: Thickness of the section lines. section_size: Size of each section in the grid. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ message = _messages.GridMessage( name=name, props=_messages.GridProps( width=width, height=height, width_segments=width_segments, height_segments=height_segments, plane=plane, cell_color=_encode_rgb(cell_color), cell_thickness=cell_thickness, cell_size=cell_size, section_color=_encode_rgb(section_color), section_thickness=section_thickness, section_size=section_size, ), ) return GridHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_label( self, name: str, text: str, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> LabelHandle: """Add a 2D label to the scene. This method creates a text label in the 3D scene, which can be used to annotate or provide information about specific points or objects. Args: name: Name of the label. text: Text content of the label. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ message = _messages.LabelMessage(name, _messages.LabelProps(text)) return LabelHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible=visible)
[docs] def add_point_cloud( self, name: str, points: np.ndarray, colors: np.ndarray | tuple[float, float, float], point_size: float = 0.1, point_shape: Literal[ "square", "diamond", "circle", "rounded", "sparkle" ] = "square", wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> PointCloudHandle: """Add a point cloud to the scene. Args: name: Name of scene node. Determines location in kinematic tree. points: Location of points. Should have shape (N, 3). colors: Colors of points. Should have shape (N, 3) or (3,). point_size: Size of each point. point_shape: Shape to draw each point. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ colors_cast = colors_to_uint8(np.asarray(colors)) assert len(points.shape) == 2 and points.shape[-1] == 3, ( "Shape of points should be (N, 3)." ) assert colors_cast.shape in { points.shape, (3,), }, "Shape of colors should be (N, 3) or (3,)." if colors_cast.shape == (3,): colors_cast = np.tile(colors_cast[None, :], reps=(points.shape[0], 1)) message = _messages.PointCloudMessage( name=name, props=_messages.PointCloudProps( points=points.astype(np.float16), colors=colors_cast, point_size=point_size, point_ball_norm={ "square": float("inf"), "diamond": 1.0, "circle": 2.0, "rounded": 3.0, "sparkle": 0.6, }[point_shape], ), ) return PointCloudHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_mesh_skinned( self, name: str, vertices: np.ndarray, faces: np.ndarray, bone_wxyzs: tuple[tuple[float, float, float, float], ...] | np.ndarray, bone_positions: tuple[tuple[float, float, float], ...] | np.ndarray, skin_weights: np.ndarray, color: RgbTupleOrArray = (90, 200, 255), wireframe: bool = False, opacity: float | None = None, material: Literal["standard", "toon3", "toon5"] = "standard", flat_shading: bool = False, side: Literal["front", "back", "double"] = "front", wxyz: Tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: Tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> MeshSkinnedHandle: """Add a skinned mesh to the scene, which we can deform using a set of bone transformations. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. vertices: A numpy array of vertex positions. Should have shape (V, 3). faces: A numpy array of faces, where each face is represented by indices of vertices. Should have shape (F,) bone_wxyzs: Nested tuple or array of initial bone orientations. bone_positions: Nested tuple or array of initial bone positions. skin_weights: A numpy array of skin weights. Should have shape (V, B) where B is the number of bones. Only the top 4 bone weights for each vertex will be used. color: Color of the mesh as an RGB tuple. wireframe: Boolean indicating if the mesh should be rendered as a wireframe. opacity: Opacity of the mesh. None means opaque. material: Material type of the mesh ('standard', 'toon3', 'toon5'). This argument is ignored when wireframe=True. flat_shading: Whether to do flat shading. This argument is ignored when wireframe=True. side: Side of the surface to render ('front', 'back', 'double'). wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation from parent frame to local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this mesh is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ if wireframe and material != "standard": warnings.warn( f"Invalid combination of {wireframe=} and {material=}. Material argument will be ignored.", stacklevel=2, ) if wireframe and flat_shading: warnings.warn( f"Invalid combination of {wireframe=} and {flat_shading=}. Flat shading argument will be ignored.", stacklevel=2, ) assert len(bone_wxyzs) == len(bone_positions) num_bones = len(bone_wxyzs) assert skin_weights.shape == (vertices.shape[0], num_bones) # Take the four biggest indices. top4_skin_indices = np.argsort(skin_weights, axis=-1)[:, -4:] top4_skin_weights = skin_weights[ np.arange(vertices.shape[0])[:, None], top4_skin_indices ] assert ( top4_skin_weights.shape == top4_skin_indices.shape == (vertices.shape[0], 4) ) bone_wxyzs = np.asarray(bone_wxyzs) bone_positions = np.asarray(bone_positions) assert bone_wxyzs.shape == (num_bones, 4) assert bone_positions.shape == (num_bones, 3) message = _messages.SkinnedMeshMessage( name=name, props=_messages.SkinnedMeshProps( vertices=vertices.astype(np.float32), faces=faces.astype(np.uint32), color=_encode_rgb(color), wireframe=wireframe, opacity=opacity, flat_shading=flat_shading, side=side, material=material, bone_wxyzs=bone_wxyzs.astype(np.float32), bone_positions=bone_positions.astype(np.float32), skin_indices=top4_skin_indices.astype(np.uint16), skin_weights=top4_skin_weights.astype(np.float32), ), ) handle = MeshHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible) return MeshSkinnedHandle( handle._impl, bones=tuple( MeshSkinnedBoneHandle( _impl=BoneState( name=name, websock_interface=self._websock_interface, bone_index=i, wxyz=bone_wxyzs[i].copy(), position=bone_positions[i].copy(), ) ) for i in range(num_bones) ), )
[docs] def add_mesh_simple( self, name: str, vertices: np.ndarray, faces: np.ndarray, color: RgbTupleOrArray = (90, 200, 255), wireframe: bool = False, opacity: float | None = None, material: Literal["standard", "toon3", "toon5"] = "standard", flat_shading: bool = False, side: Literal["front", "back", "double"] = "front", wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> MeshHandle: """Add a mesh to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. vertices: A numpy array of vertex positions. Should have shape (V, 3). faces: A numpy array of faces, where each face is represented by indices of vertices. Should have shape (F,) color: Color of the mesh as an RGB tuple. wireframe: Boolean indicating if the mesh should be rendered as a wireframe. opacity: Opacity of the mesh. None means opaque. material: Material type of the mesh ('standard', 'toon3', 'toon5'). This argument is ignored when wireframe=True. flat_shading: Whether to do flat shading. This argument is ignored when wireframe=True. side: Side of the surface to render ('front', 'back', 'double'). wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation from parent frame to local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this mesh is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ if wireframe and material != "standard": warnings.warn( f"Invalid combination of {wireframe=} and {material=}. Material argument will be ignored.", stacklevel=2, ) if wireframe and flat_shading: warnings.warn( f"Invalid combination of {wireframe=} and {flat_shading=}. Flat shading argument will be ignored.", stacklevel=2, ) message = _messages.MeshMessage( name=name, props=_messages.MeshProps( vertices=vertices.astype(np.float32), faces=faces.astype(np.uint32), color=_encode_rgb(color), wireframe=wireframe, opacity=opacity, flat_shading=flat_shading, side=side, material=material, ), ) return MeshHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible)
[docs] def add_mesh_trimesh( self, name: str, mesh: trimesh.Trimesh, scale: float = 1.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> GlbHandle: """Add a trimesh mesh to the scene. Internally calls `self.add_glb()`. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. mesh: A trimesh mesh object. scale: A scale for resizing the mesh. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ with io.BytesIO() as data_buffer: mesh.export(data_buffer, file_type="glb") glb_data = data_buffer.getvalue() return self.add_glb( name, glb_data=glb_data, scale=scale, wxyz=wxyz, position=position, visible=visible, )
def _add_gaussian_splats(self, *args, **kwargs) -> GaussianSplatHandle: """Backwards compatibility shim. Use `add_gaussian_splats()` instead.""" return self.add_gaussian_splats(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_gaussian_splats( self, name: str, centers: np.ndarray, covariances: np.ndarray, rgbs: np.ndarray, opacities: np.ndarray, wxyz: Tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: Tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> GaussianSplatHandle: """Add a model to render using Gaussian Splatting. **Experimental.** This feature is experimental and still under development. It may be changed or removed. Arguments: name: Scene node name. centers: Centers of Gaussians. (N, 3). covariances: Second moment for each Gaussian. (N, 3, 3). rgbs: Color for each Gaussian. (N, 3). opacities: Opacity for each Gaussian. (N, 1). wxyz: R_parent_local transformation. position: t_parent_local transformation. visible: Initial visibility of scene node. Returns: Scene node handle. """ num_gaussians = centers.shape[0] assert centers.shape == (num_gaussians, 3) assert rgbs.shape == (num_gaussians, 3) assert opacities.shape == (num_gaussians, 1) assert covariances.shape == (num_gaussians, 3, 3) # Get upper-triangular terms of covariance matrix. cov_triu = covariances.reshape((-1, 9))[:, np.array([0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8])] buffer = np.concatenate( [ # First texelFetch. # - xyz (96 bits): centers. centers.astype(np.float32).view(np.uint8), # - w (32 bits): this is reserved for use by the renderer. np.zeros((num_gaussians, 4), dtype=np.uint8), # Second texelFetch. # - xyz (96 bits): upper-triangular terms of covariance. cov_triu.astype(np.float16).copy().view(np.uint8), # - w (32 bits): rgba. colors_to_uint8(rgbs), colors_to_uint8(opacities), ], axis=-1, ).view(np.uint32) assert buffer.shape == (num_gaussians, 8) message = _messages.GaussianSplatsMessage( name=name, props=_messages.GaussianSplatsProps( buffer=buffer, ), ) node_handle = GaussianSplatHandle._make( self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible ) return node_handle
[docs] def add_box( self, name: str, color: RgbTupleOrArray, dimensions: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> MeshHandle: """Add a box to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. color: Color of the box as an RGB tuple. dimensions: Dimensions of the box (x, y, z). wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation from parent frame to local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this box is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ import trimesh.creation mesh = return self.add_mesh_simple( name=name, vertices=mesh.vertices, faces=mesh.faces, color=color, flat_shading=True, position=position, wxyz=wxyz, visible=visible, )
[docs] def add_icosphere( self, name: str, radius: float, color: RgbTupleOrArray, subdivisions: int = 3, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> MeshHandle: """Add an icosphere to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. radius: Radius of the icosphere. color: Color of the icosphere as an RGB tuple. subdivisions: Number of subdivisions to use when creating the icosphere. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation from parent frame to local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this icosphere is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ import trimesh.creation mesh = trimesh.creation.icosphere(subdivisions=subdivisions, radius=radius) # We use add_mesh_simple() because it lets us do smooth shading; # add_mesh_trimesh() currently does not. return self.add_mesh_simple( name=name, vertices=mesh.vertices, faces=mesh.faces, color=color, flat_shading=False, position=position, wxyz=wxyz, visible=visible, )
[docs] def set_background_image( self, image: np.ndarray | None, format: Literal["png", "jpeg"] = "jpeg", jpeg_quality: int | None = None, depth: np.ndarray | None = None, ) -> None: """Set a background image for the scene, optionally with depth compositing. Args: image: The image to set as the background. Should have shape (H, W, 3). format: Format to transport and display the image using ('png' or 'jpeg'). jpeg_quality: Quality of the jpeg image (if jpeg format is used). depth: Optional depth image to use to composite background with scene elements. """ if image is None: media_type = "image/png" rgb_bytes = None else: media_type, rgb_bytes = _encode_image_binary( image, format, jpeg_quality=jpeg_quality ) # Encode depth if provided. We use a 3-channel PNG to represent a fixed point # depth at each pixel. depth_bytes = None if depth is not None: # Convert to fixed-point. # We'll support from 0 -> (2^24 - 1) / 100_000. # # This translates to a range of [0, 167.77215], with a precision of 1e-5. assert len(depth.shape) == 2 or ( len(depth.shape) == 3 and depth.shape[2] == 1 ), "Depth should have shape (H,W) or (H,W,1)." depth = np.clip(depth * 100_000, 0, 2**24 - 1).astype(np.uint32) assert depth is not None # Appease mypy. intdepth: np.ndarray = depth.reshape((*depth.shape[:2], 1)).view(np.uint8) assert intdepth.shape == (*depth.shape[:2], 4) with io.BytesIO() as data_buffer: iio.imwrite(data_buffer, intdepth[:, :, :3], extension=".png") depth_bytes = data_buffer.getvalue() self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.BackgroundImageMessage( media_type=media_type, rgb_data=rgb_bytes, depth_data=depth_bytes, ) )
[docs] def add_image( self, name: str, image: np.ndarray, render_width: float, render_height: float, format: Literal["png", "jpeg"] = "jpeg", jpeg_quality: int | None = None, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> ImageHandle: """Add a 2D image to the scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. image: A numpy array representing the image. render_width: Width at which the image should be rendered in the scene. render_height: Height at which the image should be rendered in the scene. format: Format to transport and display the image using ('png' or 'jpeg'). jpeg_quality: Quality of the jpeg image (if jpeg format is used). wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation from parent frame to local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this image is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. """ media_type, binary = _encode_image_binary( image, format, jpeg_quality=jpeg_quality ) message = _messages.ImageMessage( name=name, props=_messages.ImageProps( media_type=media_type, _data=binary, render_width=render_width, render_height=render_height, ), ) handle = ImageHandle._make(self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible) handle._image = image handle._jpeg_quality = jpeg_quality return handle
[docs] def add_transform_controls( self, name: str, scale: float = 1.0, line_width: float = 2.5, fixed: bool = False, auto_transform: bool = True, active_axes: tuple[bool, bool, bool] = (True, True, True), disable_axes: bool = False, disable_sliders: bool = False, disable_rotations: bool = False, translation_limits: tuple[ tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float] ] = ((-1000.0, 1000.0), (-1000.0, 1000.0), (-1000.0, 1000.0)), rotation_limits: tuple[ tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float] ] = ((-1000.0, 1000.0), (-1000.0, 1000.0), (-1000.0, 1000.0)), depth_test: bool = True, opacity: float = 1.0, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> TransformControlsHandle: """Add a transform gizmo for interacting with the scene. This method adds a transform control (gizmo) to the scene, allowing for interactive manipulation of objects in terms of their position, rotation, and scale. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. scale: Scale of the transform controls. line_width: Width of the lines used in the gizmo. fixed: Boolean indicating if the gizmo should be fixed in position. auto_transform: Whether the transform should be applied automatically. active_axes: tuple of booleans indicating active axes. disable_axes: Boolean to disable axes interaction. disable_sliders: Boolean to disable slider interaction. disable_rotations: Boolean to disable rotation interaction. translation_limits: Limits for translation. rotation_limits: Limits for rotation. depth_test: Boolean indicating if depth testing should be used when rendering. opacity: Opacity of the gizmo. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation from parent frame to local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this gizmo is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating (and reading state of) scene node. """ message = _messages.TransformControlsMessage( name=name, props=_messages.TransformControlsProps( scale=scale, line_width=line_width, fixed=fixed, auto_transform=auto_transform, active_axes=active_axes, disable_axes=disable_axes, disable_sliders=disable_sliders, disable_rotations=disable_rotations, translation_limits=translation_limits, rotation_limits=rotation_limits, depth_test=depth_test, opacity=opacity, ), ) def sync_cb(client_id: ClientId, state: TransformControlsHandle) -> None: message_orientation = _messages.SetOrientationMessage( name=name, wxyz=tuple(map(float, state._impl.wxyz)), # type: ignore ) message_orientation.excluded_self_client = client_id self._websock_interface.queue_message(message_orientation) message_position = _messages.SetPositionMessage( name=name, position=tuple(map(float, state._impl.position)), # type: ignore ) message_position.excluded_self_client = client_id self._websock_interface.queue_message(message_position) node_handle = SceneNodeHandle._make( self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible ) state_aux = _TransformControlsState( last_updated=time.time(), update_cb=[], sync_cb=sync_cb, ) handle = TransformControlsHandle(node_handle._impl, state_aux) self._handle_from_transform_controls_name[name] = handle return handle
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the scene.""" # Remove all scene nodes. handles = list(self._handle_from_node_name.values()) for handle in handles: if == "/WorldAxes": continue handle.remove() # Clear the background image. self.set_background_image(image=None)
def _get_client_handle(self, client_id: ClientId) -> ClientHandle: """Private helper for getting a client handle from its ID.""" # Avoid circular imports. from ._viser import ViserServer # Implementation-wise, note that MessageApi is never directly instantiated. # Instead, it serves as a mixin/base class for either ViserServer, which # maintains a registry of connected clients, or ClientHandle, which should # only ever be dealing with its own client_id. if isinstance(self._owner, ViserServer): # TODO: there's a potential race condition here when the client disconnects. # This probably applies to multiple other parts of the code, we should # revisit all of the cases where we index into connected_clients. return self._owner._connected_clients[client_id] else: assert client_id == self._owner.client_id return self._owner async def _handle_transform_controls_updates( self, client_id: ClientId, message: _messages.TransformControlsUpdateMessage ) -> None: """Callback for handling transform gizmo messages.""" handle = self._handle_from_transform_controls_name.get(, None) if handle is None: return # Update state. wxyz = np.array(message.wxyz) position = np.array(message.position) handle._impl.wxyz = wxyz handle._impl.position = position handle._impl_aux.last_updated = time.time() # Trigger callbacks. for cb in handle._impl_aux.update_cb: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(cb): await cb(handle) else: self._thread_executor.submit(cb, handle).add_done_callback( print_threadpool_errors ) if handle._impl_aux.sync_cb is not None: handle._impl_aux.sync_cb(client_id, handle) async def _handle_node_click_updates( self, client_id: ClientId, message: _messages.SceneNodeClickMessage ) -> None: """Callback for handling click messages.""" handle = self._handle_from_node_name.get(, None) if handle is None or handle._impl.click_cb is None: return for cb in handle._impl.click_cb: event = SceneNodePointerEvent( client=self._get_client_handle(client_id), client_id=client_id, event="click", target=cast(_ClickableSceneNodeHandle, handle), ray_origin=message.ray_origin, ray_direction=message.ray_direction, screen_pos=message.screen_pos, instance_index=message.instance_index, ) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(cb): await cb(event) else: self._thread_executor.submit(cb, event).add_done_callback( print_threadpool_errors ) async def _handle_scene_pointer_updates( self, client_id: ClientId, message: _messages.ScenePointerMessage ): """Callback for handling click messages.""" event = ScenePointerEvent( client=self._get_client_handle(client_id), client_id=client_id, event_type=message.event_type, ray_origin=message.ray_origin, ray_direction=message.ray_direction, screen_pos=message.screen_pos, ) # Call the callback if it exists, and the after-run callback. if self._scene_pointer_cb is None: return if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self._scene_pointer_cb): await self._scene_pointer_cb(event) else: self._thread_executor.submit( self._scene_pointer_cb, event ).add_done_callback(print_threadpool_errors)
[docs] def on_pointer_event( self, event_type: Literal["click", "rect-select"] ) -> Callable[ [Callable[[ScenePointerEvent], None]], Callable[[ScenePointerEvent], None] ]: """Add a callback for scene pointer events. Args: event_type: event to listen to. """ # Ensure the event type is valid. assert event_type in get_args(_messages.ScenePointerEventType) from ._viser import ClientHandle, ViserServer def cleanup_previous_event(target: ViserServer | ClientHandle): # If the server or client does not have a scene pointer callback, return. if target.scene._scene_pointer_cb is None: return # Remove callback. target.scene.remove_pointer_callback() def decorator( func: Callable[[ScenePointerEvent], None], ) -> Callable[[ScenePointerEvent], None]: # Check if another scene pointer event was previously registered. # If so, we need to clear the previous event and register the new one. cleanup_previous_event(self._owner) # If called on the server handle, remove all clients' callbacks. if isinstance(self._owner, ViserServer): for client in self._owner.get_clients().values(): cleanup_previous_event(client) # If called on the client handle, and server handle has a callback, remove the server's callback. # (If the server has a callback, none of the clients should have callbacks.) elif isinstance(self._owner, ClientHandle): server = self._owner._viser_server cleanup_previous_event(server) self._scene_pointer_cb = func self._scene_pointer_event_type = event_type self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.ScenePointerEnableMessage(enable=True, event_type=event_type) ) return func return decorator
[docs] def on_pointer_callback_removed( self, func: Callable[[], NoneOrCoroutine], ) -> Callable[[], NoneOrCoroutine]: """Add a callback to run automatically when the callback for a scene pointer event is removed. This will be triggered exactly once, either manually (via :meth:`remove_pointer_callback()`) or automatically (if the scene pointer event is overridden with another call to :meth:`on_pointer_event()`). Args: func: Callback for when scene pointer events are removed. """ self._scene_pointer_done_cb = func return func
[docs] def remove_pointer_callback( self, ) -> None: """Remove the currently attached scene pointer event. This will trigger any callback attached to `.on_scene_pointer_removed()`.""" if self._scene_pointer_cb is None: warnings.warn( "No scene pointer callback exists for this server/client, ignoring.", stacklevel=2, ) return # Notify client that the listener has been removed. event_type = self._scene_pointer_event_type assert event_type is not None self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.ScenePointerEnableMessage(enable=False, event_type=event_type) ) self._owner.flush() # Run cleanup callback. if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self._scene_pointer_done_cb): self._event_loop.create_task(self._scene_pointer_done_cb()) else: self._scene_pointer_done_cb() # Reset the callback and event type, on the python side. self._scene_pointer_cb = None self._scene_pointer_done_cb = lambda: None self._scene_pointer_event_type = None
[docs] def add_3d_gui_container( self, name: str, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), visible: bool = True, ) -> Gui3dContainerHandle: """Add a 3D gui container to the scene. The returned container handle can be used as a context to place GUI elements into the 3D scene. Args: name: A scene tree name. Names in the format of /parent/child can be used to define a kinematic tree. wxyz: Quaternion rotation to parent frame from local frame (R_pl). position: Translation to parent frame from local frame (t_pl). visible: Whether or not this scene node is initially visible. Returns: Handle for manipulating scene node. Can be used as a context to place GUI elements inside of the container. """ # Avoids circular import. from ._gui_api import _make_uuid # New name to make the type checker happy; ViserServer and ClientHandle inherit # from both GuiApi and MessageApi. The pattern below is unideal. gui_api = self._owner.gui # Remove the 3D GUI container if it already exists. This will make sure # contained GUI elements are removed, preventing potential memory leaks. if name in self._handle_from_node_name: self._handle_from_node_name[name].remove() container_id = _make_uuid() message = _messages.Gui3DMessage( name=name, props=_messages.Gui3DProps( order=time.time(), container_uuid=container_id, ), ) node_handle = SceneNodeHandle._make( self, message, name, wxyz, position, visible=visible ) return Gui3dContainerHandle(node_handle._impl, gui_api, container_id)
[docs] def remove_by_name(self, name: str) -> None: """Helper to call `.remove()` on the scene node handles of the `name` element or any of its children.""" handle_from_node_name = self._handle_from_node_name.copy() name = name.rstrip("/") # '/parent/' => '/parent' for node_name, handle in handle_from_node_name.items(): if node_name == name or node_name.startswith(name + "/"): handle.remove()