.. Comment: this file is automatically generated by `update_example_docs.py`. It should not be modified manually. GUI callbacks ========================================== Asynchronous usage of GUI elements: we can attach callbacks that are called as soon as we get updates. .. code-block:: python :linenos: import time import numpy as np from typing_extensions import assert_never import viser def main() -> None: server = viser.ViserServer() gui_reset_scene = server.gui.add_button("Reset Scene") gui_plane = server.gui.add_dropdown( "Grid plane", ("xz", "xy", "yx", "yz", "zx", "zy") ) def update_plane() -> None: server.scene.add_grid( "/grid", width=10.0, height=20.0, width_segments=10, height_segments=20, plane=gui_plane.value, ) gui_plane.on_update(lambda _: update_plane()) with server.gui.add_folder("Control"): gui_show_frame = server.gui.add_checkbox("Show Frame", initial_value=True) gui_show_everything = server.gui.add_checkbox( "Show Everything", initial_value=True ) gui_axis = server.gui.add_dropdown("Axis", ("x", "y", "z")) gui_include_z = server.gui.add_checkbox("Z in dropdown", initial_value=True) @gui_include_z.on_update def _(_) -> None: gui_axis.options = ("x", "y", "z") if gui_include_z.value else ("x", "y") with server.gui.add_folder("Sliders"): gui_location = server.gui.add_slider( "Location", min=-5.0, max=5.0, step=0.05, initial_value=0.0 ) gui_num_points = server.gui.add_slider( "# Points", min=1000, max=200_000, step=1000, initial_value=10_000 ) def draw_frame() -> None: axis = gui_axis.value if axis == "x": pos = (gui_location.value, 0.0, 0.0) elif axis == "y": pos = (0.0, gui_location.value, 0.0) elif axis == "z": pos = (0.0, 0.0, gui_location.value) else: assert_never(axis) server.scene.add_frame( "/frame", wxyz=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), position=pos, show_axes=gui_show_frame.value, axes_length=5.0, ) def draw_points() -> None: num_points = gui_num_points.value server.scene.add_point_cloud( "/frame/point_cloud", points=np.random.normal(size=(num_points, 3)), colors=np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(num_points, 3)), ) # We can (optionally) also attach callbacks! # Here, we update the point clouds + frames whenever any of the GUI items are updated. gui_show_frame.on_update(lambda _: draw_frame()) gui_show_everything.on_update( lambda _: server.scene.set_global_visibility(gui_show_everything.value) ) gui_axis.on_update(lambda _: draw_frame()) gui_location.on_update(lambda _: draw_frame()) gui_num_points.on_update(lambda _: draw_points()) @gui_reset_scene.on_click def _(_) -> None: """Reset the scene when the reset button is clicked.""" gui_show_frame.value = True gui_location.value = 0.0 gui_axis.value = "x" gui_num_points.value = 10_000 draw_frame() draw_points() # Finally, let's add the initial frame + point cloud and just loop infinitely. :) update_plane() draw_frame() draw_points() while True: time.sleep(1.0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()