Source code for viser.extras._urdf

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import trimesh
import yourdfpy

import viser

from .. import transforms as tf

[docs] class ViserUrdf: """Helper for rendering URDFs in Viser. Args: target: ViserServer or ClientHandle object to add URDF to. urdf_or_path: Either a path to a URDF file or a yourdfpy URDF object. scale: Scale factor to apply to resize the URDF. root_node_name: Viser scene tree name for the root of the URDF geometry. mesh_color_override: Optional color to override the URDF's mesh colors. """ def __init__( self, target: viser.ViserServer | viser.ClientHandle, urdf_or_path: yourdfpy.URDF | Path, scale: float = 1.0, root_node_name: str = "/", mesh_color_override: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None, ) -> None: assert root_node_name.startswith("/") assert len(root_node_name) == 1 or not root_node_name.endswith("/") if isinstance(urdf_or_path, Path): urdf = yourdfpy.URDF.load( urdf_or_path, filename_handler=partial( yourdfpy.filename_handler_magic, dir=urdf_or_path.parent ), ) else: urdf = urdf_or_path assert isinstance(urdf, yourdfpy.URDF) self._target = target self._urdf = urdf self._scale = scale self._root_node_name = root_node_name # Add coordinate frame for each joint. self._joint_frames: List[viser.SceneNodeHandle] = [] for joint in self._urdf.joint_map.values(): assert isinstance(joint, yourdfpy.Joint) self._joint_frames.append( self._target.scene.add_frame( _viser_name_from_frame( self._urdf, joint.child, self._root_node_name ), show_axes=False, ) ) # Add the URDF's meshes/geometry to viser. self._meshes: List[viser.SceneNodeHandle] = [] for link_name, mesh in urdf.scene.geometry.items(): assert isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Trimesh) T_parent_child = urdf.get_transform( link_name, urdf.scene.graph.transforms.parents[link_name] ) name = _viser_name_from_frame(urdf, link_name, root_node_name) # Scale + transform the mesh. (these will mutate it!) # # It's important that we use apply_transform() instead of unpacking # the rotation/translation terms, since the scene graph transform # can also contain scale and reflection terms. mesh = mesh.copy() mesh.apply_scale(self._scale) mesh.apply_transform(T_parent_child) if mesh_color_override is None: self._meshes.append(target.scene.add_mesh_trimesh(name, mesh)) else: self._meshes.append( target.scene.add_mesh_simple( name, mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, color=mesh_color_override, ) )
[docs] def remove(self) -> None: """Remove URDF from scene.""" # Some of this will be redundant, since children are removed when # parents are removed. for frame in self._joint_frames: frame.remove() for mesh in self._meshes: mesh.remove()
[docs] def update_cfg(self, configuration: np.ndarray) -> None: """Update the joint angles of the visualized URDF.""" self._urdf.update_cfg(configuration) with self._target.atomic(): for joint, frame_handle in zip( self._urdf.joint_map.values(), self._joint_frames ): assert isinstance(joint, yourdfpy.Joint) T_parent_child = self._urdf.get_transform(joint.child, joint.parent) frame_handle.wxyz = tf.SO3.from_matrix(T_parent_child[:3, :3]).wxyz frame_handle.position = T_parent_child[:3, 3] * self._scale
[docs] def get_actuated_joint_limits( self, ) -> dict[str, tuple[float | None, float | None]]: """Returns an ordered mapping from actuated joint names to position limits.""" out: dict[str, tuple[float | None, float | None]] = {} for joint_name, joint in zip( self._urdf.actuated_joint_names, self._urdf.actuated_joints ): assert isinstance(joint_name, str) assert isinstance(joint, yourdfpy.Joint) if joint.limit is None: out[joint_name] = (-np.pi, np.pi) else: out[joint_name] = (joint.limit.lower, joint.limit.upper) return out
[docs] def get_actuated_joint_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Returns a tuple of actuated joint names, in order.""" return tuple(self._urdf.actuated_joint_names)
def _viser_name_from_frame( urdf: yourdfpy.URDF, frame_name: str, root_node_name: str = "/", ) -> str: """Given the (unique) name of a frame in our URDF's kinematic tree, return a scene node name for viser. For a robot manipulator with four frames, that looks like: ((shoulder)) == ((elbow)) / / |X| / / ((wrist)) ____/ /____ |X| [ ] [=======] [ base_link ] [] [] [___________] this would map a name like "elbow" to "base_link/shoulder/elbow". """ assert root_node_name.startswith("/") assert len(root_node_name) == 1 or not root_node_name.endswith("/") frames = [] while frame_name != urdf.scene.graph.base_frame: frames.append(frame_name) frame_name = urdf.scene.graph.transforms.parents[frame_name] if root_node_name != "/": frames.append(root_node_name) return "/".join(frames[::-1])