Source code for viser._viser

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import io
import mimetypes
import threading
import time
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ContextManager

import imageio.v3 as iio
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import rich
from rich import box, style
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.table import Table
from typing_extensions import Literal

from . import _client_autobuild, _messages, infra
from . import transforms as tf
from ._gui_api import Color, GuiApi, _make_unique_id
from ._notification_handle import NotificationHandle, _NotificationHandleState
from ._scene_api import SceneApi, cast_vector
from ._tunnel import ViserTunnel
from .infra._infra import RecordHandle

class _BackwardsCompatibilityShim:
    """Shims for backward compatibility with viser API from version

    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
        fixed_name = {
            # Map from old method names (viser v0.1.*) to new methods names.
            "reset_scene": "reset",
            "set_global_scene_node_visibility": "set_global_visibility",
            "on_scene_pointer": "on_pointer_event",
            "on_scene_pointer_removed": "on_pointer_callback_removed",
            "remove_scene_pointer_callback": "remove_pointer_callback",
            "add_mesh": "add_mesh_simple",
        }.get(name, name)
        if hasattr(self.scene, fixed_name):
                f"{type(self).__name__}.{name} has been deprecated, use {type(self).__name__}.scene.{fixed_name} instead. Alternatively, pin to `viser<0.2.0`.",
            return object.__getattribute__(self.scene, fixed_name)

        fixed_name = name.replace("add_gui_", "add_").replace("set_gui_", "set_")
        if hasattr(self.gui, fixed_name):
                f"{type(self).__name__}.{name} has been deprecated, use {type(self).__name__}.gui.{fixed_name} instead. Alternatively, pin to `viser<0.2.0`.",
            return object.__getattribute__(self.gui, fixed_name)

        raise AttributeError(
            f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'"

class _CameraHandleState:
    """Information about a client's camera state."""

    client: ClientHandle
    wxyz: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
    position: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
    fov: float
    aspect: float
    look_at: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
    up_direction: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
    update_timestamp: float
    camera_cb: list[Callable[[CameraHandle], None]]

[docs] class CameraHandle: """A handle for reading and writing the camera state of a particular client. Typically accessed via :attr:``.""" def __init__(self, client: ClientHandle) -> None: self._state = _CameraHandleState( client, wxyz=np.zeros(4), position=np.zeros(3), fov=0.0, aspect=0.0, look_at=np.zeros(3), up_direction=np.zeros(3), update_timestamp=0.0, camera_cb=[], ) @property def client(self) -> ClientHandle: """Client that this camera corresponds to.""" return self._state.client @property def wxyz(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Corresponds to the R in `P_world = [R | t] p_camera`. Synchronized automatically when assigned.""" assert self._state.update_timestamp != 0.0 return self._state.wxyz # Note: asymmetric properties are supported in Pyright, but not yet in mypy. # - # - @wxyz.setter def wxyz(self, wxyz: tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray) -> None: R_world_camera = tf.SO3(np.asarray(wxyz)).as_matrix() look_distance = np.linalg.norm(self.look_at - self.position) # We're following OpenCV conventions: look_direction is +Z, up_direction is -Y, # right_direction is +X. look_direction = R_world_camera[:, 2] up_direction = -R_world_camera[:, 1] right_direction = R_world_camera[:, 0] # Minimize our impact on the orbit controls by keeping the new up direction as # close to the old one as possible. projected_up_direction = ( self.up_direction - float(self.up_direction @ right_direction) * right_direction ) up_cosine = float(up_direction @ projected_up_direction) if abs(up_cosine) < 0.05: projected_up_direction = up_direction elif up_cosine < 0.0: projected_up_direction = up_direction new_look_at = look_direction * look_distance + self.position # Update lookat and up direction. self.look_at = new_look_at self.up_direction = projected_up_direction # The internal camera orientation should be set in the look_at / # up_direction setters. We can uncomment this assert to check this. # assert np.allclose(self._state.wxyz, wxyz) or np.allclose( # self._state.wxyz, -wxyz # ) @property def position(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Corresponds to the t in `P_world = [R | t] p_camera`. Synchronized automatically when assigned. The `look_at` point and `up_direction` vectors are maintained when updating `position`, which means that updates to `position` will often also affect `wxyz`. """ assert self._state.update_timestamp != 0.0 return self._state.position @position.setter def position(self, position: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray) -> None: offset = np.asarray(position) - np.array(self.position) # type: ignore self._state.position = np.asarray(position) self.look_at = np.array(self.look_at) + offset self._state.update_timestamp = time.time() self._state.client._websock_connection.queue_message( _messages.SetCameraPositionMessage(cast_vector(position, 3)) ) def _update_wxyz(self) -> None: """Compute and update the camera orientation from the internal look_at, position, and up vectors.""" z = self._state.look_at - self._state.position z /= np.linalg.norm(z) y = tf.SO3.exp(z * np.pi) @ self._state.up_direction y = y -, y) * z y /= np.linalg.norm(y) x = np.cross(y, z) self._state.wxyz = tf.SO3.from_matrix(np.stack([x, y, z], axis=1)).wxyz @property def fov(self) -> float: """Vertical field of view of the camera, in radians. Synchronized automatically when assigned.""" assert self._state.update_timestamp != 0.0 return self._state.fov @fov.setter def fov(self, fov: float) -> None: self._state.fov = fov self._state.update_timestamp = time.time() self._state.client._websock_connection.queue_message( _messages.SetCameraFovMessage(fov) ) @property def aspect(self) -> float: """Canvas width divided by height. Not assignable.""" assert self._state.update_timestamp != 0.0 return self._state.aspect @property def update_timestamp(self) -> float: assert self._state.update_timestamp != 0.0 return self._state.update_timestamp @property def look_at(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Look at point for the camera. Synchronized automatically when set.""" assert self._state.update_timestamp != 0.0 return self._state.look_at @look_at.setter def look_at(self, look_at: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray) -> None: self._state.look_at = np.asarray(look_at) self._state.update_timestamp = time.time() self._update_wxyz() self._state.client._websock_connection.queue_message( _messages.SetCameraLookAtMessage(cast_vector(look_at, 3)) ) @property def up_direction(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Up direction for the camera. Synchronized automatically when set.""" assert self._state.update_timestamp != 0.0 return self._state.up_direction @up_direction.setter def up_direction( self, up_direction: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray ) -> None: self._state.up_direction = np.asarray(up_direction) self._update_wxyz() self._state.update_timestamp = time.time() self._state.client._websock_connection.queue_message( _messages.SetCameraUpDirectionMessage(cast_vector(up_direction, 3)) )
[docs] def on_update( self, callback: Callable[[CameraHandle], None] ) -> Callable[[CameraHandle], None]: """Attach a callback to run when a new camera message is received.""" self._state.camera_cb.append(callback) return callback
[docs] def get_render( self, height: int, width: int, transport_format: Literal["png", "jpeg"] = "jpeg" ) -> np.ndarray: """Request a render from a client, block until it's done and received, then return it as a numpy array. Args: height: Height of rendered image. Should be <= the browser height. width: Width of rendered image. Should be <= the browser width. transport_format: Image transport format. JPEG will return a lossy (H, W, 3) RGB array. PNG will return a lossless (H, W, 4) RGBA array, but can cause memory issues on the frontend if called too quickly for higher-resolution images. """ # Listen for a render reseponse message, which should contain the rendered # image. render_ready_event = threading.Event() out: np.ndarray | None = None connection = self.client._websock_connection def got_render_cb( client_id: int, message: _messages.GetRenderResponseMessage ) -> None: del client_id connection.unregister_handler( _messages.GetRenderResponseMessage, got_render_cb ) nonlocal out out = iio.imread( io.BytesIO(message.payload), extension=f".{transport_format}", ) render_ready_event.set() connection.register_handler(_messages.GetRenderResponseMessage, got_render_cb) self.client._websock_connection.queue_message( _messages.GetRenderRequestMessage( "image/jpeg" if transport_format == "jpeg" else "image/png", height=height, width=width, # Only used for JPEG. The main reason to use a lower quality version # value is (unfortunately) to make life easier for the Javascript # garbage collector. quality=80, ) ) render_ready_event.wait() assert out is not None return out
# Don't inherit from _BackwardsCompatibilityShim during type checking, because # this will unnecessarily suppress type errors. (from the overriding of # __getattr__).
[docs] class ClientHandle(_BackwardsCompatibilityShim if not TYPE_CHECKING else object): """A handle is created for each client that connects to a server. Handles can be used to communicate with just one client, as well as for reading and writing of camera state. Similar to :class:`ViserServer`, client handles also expose scene and GUI interfaces at :attr:`ClientHandle.scene` and :attr:`ClientHandle.gui`. If these are used, for example via a client's :meth:`SceneApi.add_point_cloud()` method, created elements are local to only one specific client. """ def __init__( self, conn: infra.WebsockClientConnection, server: ViserServer ) -> None: # Private attributes. self._websock_connection = conn self._viser_server = server # Public attributes. self.scene: SceneApi = SceneApi( self, thread_executor=server._websock_server._thread_executor ) """Handle for interacting with the 3D scene.""" self.gui: GuiApi = GuiApi( self, thread_executor=server._websock_server._thread_executor ) """Handle for interacting with the GUI.""" self.client_id: int = conn.client_id """Unique ID for this client.""" CameraHandle = CameraHandle(self) """Handle for reading from and manipulating the client's viewport camera."""
[docs] def flush(self) -> None: """Flush the outgoing message buffer. Any buffered messages will immediately be sent. (by default they are windowed)""" self._viser_server._websock_server.flush_client(self.client_id)
[docs] def atomic(self) -> ContextManager[None]: """Returns a context where: all outgoing messages are grouped and applied by clients atomically. This should be treated as a soft constraint that's helpful for things like animations, or when we want position and orientation updates to happen synchronously. Returns: Context manager. """ return self._websock_connection.atomic()
[docs] def send_file_download( self, filename: str, content: bytes, chunk_size: int = 1024 * 1024 ) -> None: """Send a file for a client or clients to download. Args: filename: Name of the file to send. Used to infer MIME type. content: Content of the file. chunk_size: Number of bytes to send at a time. """ mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename, strict=False)[0] if mime_type is None: mime_type = "application/octet-stream" parts = [ content[i * chunk_size : (i + 1) * chunk_size] for i in range(int(np.ceil(len(content) / chunk_size))) ] uuid = _make_unique_id() self._websock_connection.queue_message( _messages.FileTransferStart( source_component_id=None, transfer_uuid=uuid, filename=filename, mime_type=mime_type, part_count=len(parts), size_bytes=len(content), ) ) for i, part in enumerate(parts): self._websock_connection.queue_message( _messages.FileTransferPart( None, transfer_uuid=uuid, part=i, content=part, ) ) self.flush()
[docs] def add_notification( self, title: str, body: str, loading: bool = False, with_close_button: bool = True, auto_close: int | Literal[False] = False, color: Color | None = None, ) -> NotificationHandle: """Add a notification to the client's interface. This method creates a new notification that will be displayed at the top left corner of the client's viewer. Notifications are useful for providing alerts or status updates to users. Args: title: Title to display on the notification. body: Message to display on the notification body. loading: Whether the notification shows loading icon. with_close_button: Whether the notification can be manually closed. auto_close: Time in ms before the notification automatically closes; otherwise False such that the notification never closes on its own. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ handle = NotificationHandle( _NotificationHandleState( websock_interface=self._websock_connection, id=_make_unique_id(), props=_messages.NotificationProps( title=title, body=body, loading=loading, with_close_button=with_close_button, auto_close=auto_close, color=color, ), ) ) handle._sync_with_client("show") return handle
[docs] class ViserServer(_BackwardsCompatibilityShim if not TYPE_CHECKING else object): """:class:`ViserServer` is the main class for working with viser. On instantiation, it (a) launches a thread with a web server and (b) provides a high-level API for interactive 3D visualization. **Core API.** Clients can connect via a web browser, and will be shown two components: a 3D scene and a 2D GUI panel. Methods belonging to :attr:`ViserServer.scene` can be used to add 3D primitives to the scene. Methods belonging to :attr:`ViserServer.gui` can be used to add 2D GUI elements. **Shared state.** Elements added to the server object, for example via a server's :meth:`SceneApi.add_point_cloud` or :meth:`GuiApi.add_button`, will have state that's shared and synchronized automatically between all connected clients. To show elements that are local to a single client, see :attr:`ClientHandle.scene` and :attr:`ClientHandle.gui`. Args: host: Host to bind server to. port: Port to bind server to. label: Label shown at the top of the GUI panel. """ # Hide deprecated arguments from docstring and type checkers. def __init__( self, host: str = "", port: int = 8080, label: str | None = None, verbose: bool = True, **_deprecated_kwargs, ): # Create server. server = infra.WebsockServer( host=host, port=port, message_class=_messages.Message, http_server_root=Path(__file__).absolute().parent / "client" / "build", verbose=verbose, client_api_version=1, ) self._websock_server = server _client_autobuild.ensure_client_is_built() self._connection = server self._connected_clients: dict[int, ClientHandle] = {} self._client_lock = threading.Lock() self._client_connect_cb: list[Callable[[ClientHandle], None]] = [] self._client_disconnect_cb: list[Callable[[ClientHandle], None]] = [] # For new clients, register and add a handler for camera messages. @server.on_client_connect def _(conn: infra.WebsockClientConnection) -> None: client = ClientHandle(conn, server=self) first = True def handle_camera_message( client_id: infra.ClientId, message: _messages.ViewerCameraMessage ) -> None: nonlocal first assert client_id == client.client_id # Update the client's camera. with client.atomic(): = _CameraHandleState( client, np.array(message.wxyz), np.array(message.position), message.fov, message.aspect, np.array(message.look_at), np.array(message.up_direction), time.time(),, ) # We consider a client to be connected after the first camera message is # received. if first: first = False with self._client_lock: self._connected_clients[conn.client_id] = client for cb in self._client_connect_cb: cb(client) for camera_cb in camera_cb( conn.register_handler(_messages.ViewerCameraMessage, handle_camera_message) # Remove clients when they disconnect. @server.on_client_disconnect def _(conn: infra.WebsockClientConnection) -> None: with self._client_lock: if conn.client_id not in self._connected_clients: return handle = self._connected_clients.pop(conn.client_id) for cb in self._client_disconnect_cb: cb(handle) # Start the server. server.start() self.scene: SceneApi = SceneApi(self, thread_executor=server._thread_executor) """Handle for interacting with the 3D scene.""" self.gui: GuiApi = GuiApi(self, thread_executor=server._thread_executor) """Handle for interacting with the GUI.""" server.register_handler( _messages.ShareUrlDisconnect, lambda client_id, msg: self.disconnect_share_url(), ) server.register_handler( _messages.ShareUrlRequest, lambda client_id, msg: self.request_share_url() ) # Form status print. port = server._port # Port may have changed. http_url = f"http://{host}:{port}" ws_url = f"ws://{host}:{port}" table = Table( title=None, show_header=False, box=box.MINIMAL, title_style=style.Style(bold=True), ) table.add_row("HTTP", http_url) table.add_row("Websocket", ws_url) rich.print(Panel(table, title="[bold]viser[/bold]", expand=False)) self._share_tunnel: ViserTunnel | None = None # Create share tunnel if requested. # This is deprecated: we should use get_share_url() instead. share = _deprecated_kwargs.get("share", False) if share: self.request_share_url() self.scene.reset() self.gui.reset() self.gui.set_panel_label(label)
[docs] def get_host(self) -> str: """Returns the host address of the Viser server. Returns: Host address as string. """ return self._websock_server._host
[docs] def get_port(self) -> int: """Returns the port of the Viser server. This could be different from the originally requested one. Returns: Port as integer. """ return self._websock_server._port
[docs] def request_share_url(self, verbose: bool = True) -> str | None: """Request a share URL for the Viser server, which allows for public access. On the first call, will block until a connecting with the share URL server is established. Afterwards, the URL will be returned directly. This is an experimental feature that relies on an external server; it shouldn't be relied on for critical applications. Returns: Share URL as string, or None if connection fails or is closed. """ if self._share_tunnel is not None: # Tunnel already exists. while self._share_tunnel.get_status() in ("ready", "connecting"): time.sleep(0.05) return self._share_tunnel.get_url() else: # Create a new tunnel!. if verbose: rich.print("[bold](viser)[/bold] Share URL requested!") connect_event = threading.Event() self._share_tunnel = ViserTunnel( "", self._websock_server._port ) @self._share_tunnel.on_disconnect def _() -> None: rich.print("[bold](viser)[/bold] Disconnected from share URL") self._share_tunnel = None self._websock_server.unsafe_send_message( _messages.ShareUrlUpdated(None) ) @self._share_tunnel.on_connect def _(max_clients: int) -> None: assert self._share_tunnel is not None share_url = self._share_tunnel.get_url() if verbose: if share_url is None: rich.print("[bold](viser)[/bold] Could not generate share URL") else: rich.print( f"[bold](viser)[/bold] Generated share URL (expires in 24 hours, max {max_clients} clients): {share_url}" ) self._websock_server.unsafe_send_message( _messages.ShareUrlUpdated(share_url) ) connect_event.set() connect_event.wait() url = self._share_tunnel.get_url() return url
[docs] def disconnect_share_url(self) -> None: """Disconnect from the share URL server.""" if self._share_tunnel is not None: self._share_tunnel.close() else: rich.print( "[bold](viser)[/bold] Tried to disconnect from share URL, but already disconnected" )
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the Viser server and associated threads and tunnels.""" self._websock_server.stop() if self._share_tunnel is not None: self._share_tunnel.close()
[docs] def get_clients(self) -> dict[int, ClientHandle]: """Creates and returns a copy of the mapping from connected client IDs to handles. Returns: Dictionary of clients. """ with self._client_lock: return self._connected_clients.copy()
[docs] def on_client_connect( self, cb: Callable[[ClientHandle], None] ) -> Callable[[ClientHandle], None]: """Attach a callback to run for newly connected clients.""" with self._client_lock: clients = self._connected_clients.copy().values() self._client_connect_cb.append(cb) # Trigger callback on any already-connected clients. # If we have: # # server = viser.ViserServer() # server.on_client_connect(...) # # This makes sure that the the callback is applied to any clients that # connect between the two lines. for client in clients: cb(client) return cb
[docs] def on_client_disconnect( self, cb: Callable[[ClientHandle], None] ) -> Callable[[ClientHandle], None]: """Attach a callback to run when clients disconnect.""" self._client_disconnect_cb.append(cb) return cb
[docs] def flush(self) -> None: """Flush the outgoing message buffer. Any buffered messages will immediately be sent. (by default they are windowed)""" self._websock_server.flush()
[docs] def atomic(self) -> ContextManager[None]: """Returns a context where: all outgoing messages are grouped and applied by clients atomically. This should be treated as a soft constraint that's helpful for things like animations, or when we want position and orientation updates to happen synchronously. Returns: Context manager. """ return self._websock_server.atomic()
[docs] def send_file_download( self, filename: str, content: bytes, chunk_size: int = 1024 * 1024 ) -> None: """Send a file for a client or clients to download. Args: filename: Name of the file to send. Used to infer MIME type. content: Content of the file. chunk_size: Number of bytes to send at a time. """ for client in self.get_clients().values(): client.send_file_download(filename, content, chunk_size)
def _start_scene_recording(self) -> RecordHandle: """Start recording outgoing messages for playback or embedding. Includes only the scene. **Work-in-progress.** This API may be changed or removed. """ recorder = self._websock_server.start_recording( # Don't record GUI messages. This feels brittle. filter=lambda message: "Gui" not in type(message).__name__ ) # Insert current scene state. for message in self._websock_server._broadcast_buffer.message_from_id.values(): recorder._insert_message(message) return recorder