Source code for viser._gui_api

from __future__ import annotations

import builtins
import colorsys
import dataclasses
import functools
import threading
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from typing_extensions import (

from viser import theme

from . import _messages
from ._gui_handles import (
from ._icons import svg_from_icon
from ._icons_enum import IconName
from ._messages import FileTransferPartAck, GuiBaseProps, GuiSliderMark
from ._scene_api import cast_vector

    import plotly.graph_objects as go

    from ._viser import ClientHandle, ViserServer
    from .infra import ClientId

GuiInputPropsType = TypeVar("GuiInputPropsType", bound=GuiBaseProps)
IntOrFloat = TypeVar("IntOrFloat", int, float)
TString = TypeVar("TString", bound=str)
TLiteralString = TypeVar("TLiteralString", bound=LiteralString)
T = TypeVar("T")
LengthTenStrTuple: TypeAlias = Tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str]
Color: TypeAlias = Literal[

def _hex_from_hls(h: float, l: float, s: float) -> str:
    """Converts HLS values in [0.0, 1.0] to a hex-formatted string, eg 0xffffff."""
    return "#" + "".join(
            int(min(255, max(0, channel * 255.0)) + 0.5).to_bytes(1, "little").hex()
            for channel in colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)

def _compute_step(x: float | None) -> float:  # type: ignore
    """For number inputs: compute an increment size from some number.

    Example inputs/outputs:
        100 => 1
        12 => 1
        12.1 => 0.1
        12.02 => 0.01
        0.004 => 0.001
    return 1 if x is None else 10 ** (-_compute_precision_digits(x))

def _compute_precision_digits(x: float) -> int:
    """For number inputs: compute digits of precision from some number.

    Example inputs/outputs:
        100 => 0
        12 => 0
        12.1 => 1
        10.2 => 1
        0.007 => 3
    digits = 0
    while x != round(x, ndigits=digits) and digits < 7:
        digits += 1
    return digits

class _RootGuiContainer:
    _children: dict[str, SupportsRemoveProtocol]

_global_order_counter = 0

def _apply_default_order(order: float | None) -> float:
    """Apply default ordering logic for GUI elements.

    If `order` is set to a float, this function is a no-op and returns it back.
    Otherwise, we increment and return the value of a global counter.
    if order is not None:
        return order

    global _global_order_counter
    _global_order_counter += 1
    return _global_order_counter

def get_type_hints_cached(cls: type[Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
    return get_type_hints(cls)  # type: ignore

class _FileUploadState(TypedDict):
    filename: str
    mime_type: str
    part_count: int
    parts: dict[int, bytes]
    total_bytes: int
    transferred_bytes: int
    lock: threading.Lock

[docs] class GuiApi: """Interface for working with the 2D GUI in viser. Used by both our global server object, for sharing the same GUI elements with all clients, and by individual client handles.""" _target_container_from_thread_id: dict[int, str] = {} """ID of container to put GUI elements into.""" def __init__( self, owner: ViserServer | ClientHandle, # Who do I belong to? thread_executor: ThreadPoolExecutor, ) -> None: from ._viser import ViserServer self._owner = owner """Entity that owns this API.""" self._thread_executor = thread_executor self._websock_interface = ( owner._websock_server if isinstance(owner, ViserServer) else owner._websock_connection ) """Interface for sending and listening to messages.""" self._gui_input_handle_from_id: dict[str, _GuiInputHandle[Any]] = {} self._container_handle_from_id: dict[str, GuiContainerProtocol] = { "root": _RootGuiContainer({}) } self._current_file_upload_states: dict[str, _FileUploadState] = {} # Set to True when plotly.min.js has been sent to client. self._setup_plotly_js: bool = False self._websock_interface.register_handler( _messages.GuiUpdateMessage, self._handle_gui_updates ) self._websock_interface.register_handler( _messages.FileTransferStart, self._handle_file_transfer_start ) self._websock_interface.register_handler( _messages.FileTransferPart, self._handle_file_transfer_part, ) def _handle_gui_updates( self, client_id: ClientId, message: _messages.GuiUpdateMessage ) -> None: """Callback for handling GUI messages.""" handle = self._gui_input_handle_from_id.get(, None) if handle is None: return handle_state = handle._impl has_changed = False updates_cast = {} for prop_name, prop_value in message.updates.items(): assert hasattr(handle_state, prop_name) current_value = getattr(handle_state, prop_name) # Do some type casting. This is brittle, but necessary (1) when we # expect floats but the Javascript side gives us integers or (2) # when we expect tuples but the Javascript side gives us lists. if prop_name == "value": if isinstance(handle_state.value, tuple): # We currently assume all tuple types have length >0, and # contents are all the same type. assert len(handle_state.value) > 0 typ = type(handle_state.value[0]) assert all([type(x) == typ for x in handle_state.value]) prop_value = tuple([typ(new) for new in prop_value]) else: prop_value = type(handle_state.value)(prop_value) # Update handle property. if current_value != prop_value: has_changed = True setattr(handle_state, prop_name, prop_value) # Save value, which might have been cast. updates_cast[prop_name] = prop_value # Only call update when value has actually changed. if not handle_state.is_button and not has_changed: return # GUI element has been updated! handle_state.update_timestamp = time.time() for cb in handle_state.update_cb: from ._viser import ClientHandle, ViserServer # Get the handle of the client that triggered this event. if isinstance(self._owner, ClientHandle): client = self._owner elif isinstance(self._owner, ViserServer): client = self._owner.get_clients()[client_id] else: assert False cb(GuiEvent(client, client_id, handle)) if handle_state.sync_cb is not None: handle_state.sync_cb(client_id, updates_cast) def _handle_file_transfer_start( self, client_id: ClientId, message: _messages.FileTransferStart ) -> None: if message.source_component_id not in self._gui_input_handle_from_id: return self._current_file_upload_states[message.transfer_uuid] = { "filename": message.filename, "mime_type": message.mime_type, "part_count": message.part_count, "parts": {}, "total_bytes": message.size_bytes, "transferred_bytes": 0, "lock": threading.Lock(), } def _handle_file_transfer_part( self, client_id: ClientId, message: _messages.FileTransferPart ) -> None: if message.transfer_uuid not in self._current_file_upload_states: return assert message.source_component_id in self._gui_input_handle_from_id state = self._current_file_upload_states[message.transfer_uuid] state["parts"][message.part] = message.content total_bytes = state["total_bytes"] with state["lock"]: state["transferred_bytes"] += len(message.content) # Send ack to the server. self._websock_interface.queue_message( FileTransferPartAck( source_component_id=message.source_component_id, transfer_uuid=message.transfer_uuid, transferred_bytes=state["transferred_bytes"], total_bytes=total_bytes, ) ) if state["transferred_bytes"] < total_bytes: return # Finish the upload. assert state["transferred_bytes"] == total_bytes state = self._current_file_upload_states.pop(message.transfer_uuid) handle = self._gui_input_handle_from_id.get(message.source_component_id, None) if handle is None: return handle_state = handle._impl value = UploadedFile( name=state["filename"], content=b"".join(state["parts"][i] for i in range(state["part_count"])), ) # Update state. with self._owner.atomic(): handle_state.value = value handle_state.update_timestamp = time.time() # Trigger callbacks. for cb in handle_state.update_cb: from ._viser import ClientHandle, ViserServer # Get the handle of the client that triggered this event. if isinstance(self._owner, ClientHandle): client = self._owner elif isinstance(self._owner, ViserServer): client = self._owner.get_clients()[client_id] else: assert False cb(GuiEvent(client, client_id, handle)) def _get_container_id(self) -> str: """Get container ID associated with the current thread.""" return self._target_container_from_thread_id.get(threading.get_ident(), "root") def _set_container_id(self, container_id: str) -> None: """Set container ID associated with the current thread.""" self._target_container_from_thread_id[threading.get_ident()] = container_id
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the GUI.""" self._websock_interface.queue_message(_messages.ResetGuiMessage())
[docs] def set_panel_label(self, label: str | None) -> None: """Set the main label that appears in the GUI panel. Args: label: The new label. """ self._websock_interface.queue_message(_messages.SetGuiPanelLabelMessage(label))
[docs] def configure_theme( self, *, titlebar_content: theme.TitlebarConfig | None = None, control_layout: Literal["floating", "collapsible", "fixed"] = "floating", control_width: Literal["small", "medium", "large"] = "medium", dark_mode: bool = False, show_logo: bool = True, show_share_button: bool = True, brand_color: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, ) -> None: """Configures the visual appearance of the viser front-end. Args: titlebar_content: Optional configuration for the title bar. control_layout: The layout of control elements, options are "floating", "collapsible", or "fixed". control_width: The width of control elements, options are "small", "medium", or "large". dark_mode: A boolean indicating if dark mode should be enabled. show_logo: A boolean indicating if the logo should be displayed. show_share_button: A boolean indicating if the share button should be displayed. brand_color: An optional tuple of integers (RGB) representing the brand color. """ colors_cast: LengthTenStrTuple | None = None if brand_color is not None: assert len(brand_color) in (3, 10) if len(brand_color) == 3: assert all( map(lambda val: isinstance(val, int), brand_color) ), "All channels should be integers." # RGB => HLS. h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls( brand_color[0] / 255.0, brand_color[1] / 255.0, brand_color[2] / 255.0, ) # Automatically generate a 10-color palette. min_l = max(l - 0.08, 0.0) max_l = min(0.8 + 0.5, 0.9) l = max(min_l, min(max_l, l)) primary_index = 8 ls = tuple( np.interp( x=np.arange(10), xp=np.array([0, primary_index, 9]), fp=np.array([max_l, l, min_l]), ) ) colors_cast = cast( LengthTenStrTuple, tuple(_hex_from_hls(h, ls[i], s) for i in range(10)), ) assert colors_cast is None or all( [isinstance(val, str) and val.startswith("#") for val in colors_cast] ), "All string colors should be in hexadecimal + prefixed with #, eg #ffffff." self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.ThemeConfigurationMessage( titlebar_content=titlebar_content, control_layout=control_layout, control_width=control_width, dark_mode=dark_mode, show_logo=show_logo, show_share_button=show_share_button, colors=colors_cast, ), )
[docs] def add_folder( self, label: str, order: float | None = None, expand_by_default: bool = True, visible: bool = True, ) -> GuiFolderHandle: """Add a folder, and return a handle that can be used to populate it. Args: label: Label to display on the folder. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. expand_by_default: Open the folder by default. Set to False to collapse it by default. visible: Whether the component is visible. Returns: A handle that can be used as a context to populate the folder. """ folder_container_id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) props = _messages.GuiFolderProps( order=order, label=label, expand_by_default=expand_by_default, visible=visible, ) self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.GuiFolderMessage( id=folder_container_id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=props, ) ) return GuiFolderHandle( _GuiHandleState( folder_container_id, self, None, props=props, parent_container_id=self._get_container_id(), ) )
[docs] def add_modal( self, title: str, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiModalHandle: """Show a modal window, which can be useful for popups and messages, then return a handle that can be used to populate it. Args: title: Title to display on the modal. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used as a context to populate the modal. """ modal_container_id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.GuiModalMessage( order=order, id=modal_container_id, title=title, ) ) return GuiModalHandle( _gui_api=self, _id=modal_container_id, )
[docs] def add_tab_group( self, order: float | None = None, visible: bool = True, ) -> GuiTabGroupHandle: """Add a tab group. Args: order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. visible: Whether the component is visible. Returns: A handle that can be used as a context to populate the tab group. """ tab_group_id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) message = _messages.GuiTabGroupMessage( id=tab_group_id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiTabGroupProps( order=order, _tab_labels=(), visible=visible, _tab_icons_html=(), _tab_container_ids=(), ), ) self._websock_interface.queue_message(message) return GuiTabGroupHandle( _GuiHandleState(, self, value=None, props=message.props, parent_container_id=message.container_id, ) )
[docs] def add_markdown( self, content: str, image_root: Path | None = None, order: float | None = None, visible: bool = True, ) -> GuiMarkdownHandle: """Add markdown to the GUI. Args: content: Markdown content to display. image_root: Optional root directory to resolve relative image paths. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. visible: Whether the component is visible. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ message = _messages.GuiMarkdownMessage( id=_make_unique_id(), container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiMarkdownProps( order=_apply_default_order(order), _markdown="", visible=visible, ), ) self._websock_interface.queue_message(message) handle = GuiMarkdownHandle( _GuiHandleState(, self, None, props=message.props, parent_container_id=message.container_id, ), _content=content, _image_root=image_root, ) # Logic for processing markdown, handling images, etc is all in the # `.content` setter, which should send a GuiUpdateMessage. handle.content = content return handle
[docs] def add_plotly( self, figure: go.Figure, aspect: float = 1.0, order: float | None = None, visible: bool = True, ) -> GuiPlotlyHandle: """Add a Plotly figure to the GUI. Requires the `plotly` package to be installed. Args: figure: Plotly figure to display. aspect: Aspect ratio of the plot in the control panel (width/height). order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. visible: Whether the component is visible. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ # If plotly.min.js hasn't been sent to the client yet, the client won't be able # to render the plot. Send this large file now! (~3MB) if not self._setup_plotly_js: # Check if plotly is installed. try: import plotly except ImportError: raise ImportError( "You must have the `plotly` package installed to use the Plotly GUI element." ) # Check that plotly.min.js exists. plotly_path = ( Path(plotly.__file__).parent / "package_data" / "plotly.min.js" ) assert ( plotly_path.exists() ), f"Could not find plotly.min.js at {plotly_path}." # Send it over! plotly_js = plotly_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8") self._websock_interface.queue_message( _messages.RunJavascriptMessage(source=plotly_js) ) # Update the flag so we don't send it again. self._setup_plotly_js = True # After plotly.min.js has been sent, we can send the plotly figure. # Empty string for `plotly_json_str` is a signal to the client to render nothing. message = _messages.GuiPlotlyMessage( id=_make_unique_id(), container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiPlotlyProps( order=_apply_default_order(order), _plotly_json_str="", aspect=1.0, visible=visible, ), ) self._websock_interface.queue_message(message) handle = GuiPlotlyHandle( _GuiHandleState(, self, value=None, props=message.props, parent_container_id=message.container_id, ), _figure=figure, ) # Set the plotly handle properties. handle.figure = figure handle.aspect = aspect return handle
[docs] def add_button( self, label: str, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, color: Color | None = None, icon: IconName | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiButtonHandle: """Add a button to the GUI. The value of this input is set to `True` every time it is clicked; to detect clicks, we can manually set it back to `False`. Args: label: Label to display on the button. visible: Whether the button is visible. disabled: Whether the button is disabled. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. color: Optional color to use for the button. icon: Optional icon to display on the button. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ # Re-wrap the GUI handle with a button interface. id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiButtonHandle( self._create_gui_input( value=False, message=_messages.GuiButtonMessage( value=False, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiButtonProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, color=color, _icon_html=None if icon is None else svg_from_icon(icon), disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), is_button=True, ) )
[docs] def add_upload_button( self, label: str, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, color: Color | None = None, icon: IconName | None = None, mime_type: str = "*/*", order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiUploadButtonHandle: """Add a button to the GUI. The value of this input is set to `True` every time it is clicked; to detect clicks, we can manually set it back to `False`. Args: label: Label to display on the button. visible: Whether the button is visible. disabled: Whether the button is disabled. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. color: Optional color to use for the button. icon: Optional icon to display on the button. mime_type: Optional MIME type to filter the files that can be uploaded. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ # Re-wrap the GUI handle with a button interface. id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiUploadButtonHandle( self._create_gui_input( value=UploadedFile("", b""), message=_messages.GuiUploadButtonMessage( id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiUploadButtonProps( disabled=disabled, visible=visible, order=order, label=label, hint=hint, color=color, mime_type=mime_type, _icon_html=None if icon is None else svg_from_icon(icon), ), ), is_button=True, ) )
[docs] def add_button_group( self, label: str, options: Sequence[str], visible: bool = True, disabled: bool = False, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiButtonGroupHandle: """Add a button group to the GUI. Args: label: Label to display on the button group. options: Sequence of options to display as buttons. visible: Whether the button group is visible. disabled: Whether the button group is disabled. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value = options[0] id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiButtonGroupHandle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiButtonGroupMessage( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiButtonGroupProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, options=tuple(options), disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), ) )
[docs] def add_checkbox( self, label: str, initial_value: bool, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiCheckboxHandle: """Add a checkbox to the GUI. Args: label: Label to display on the checkbox. initial_value: Initial value of the checkbox. disabled: Whether the checkbox is disabled. visible: Whether the checkbox is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value = initial_value assert isinstance(value, bool) id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiCheckboxHandle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiCheckboxMessage( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiCheckboxProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), ) )
[docs] def add_text( self, label: str, initial_value: str, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiTextHandle: """Add a text input to the GUI. Args: label: Label to display on the text input. initial_value: Initial value of the text input. disabled: Whether the text input is disabled. visible: Whether the text input is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value = initial_value assert isinstance(value, str) id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiTextHandle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiTextMessage( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiTextProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), ) )
[docs] def add_number( self, label: str, initial_value: IntOrFloat, min: IntOrFloat | None = None, max: IntOrFloat | None = None, step: IntOrFloat | None = None, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiNumberHandle[IntOrFloat]: """Add a number input to the GUI, with user-specifiable bound and precision parameters. Args: label: Label to display on the number input. initial_value: Initial value of the number input. min: Optional minimum value of the number input. max: Optional maximum value of the number input. step: Optional step size of the number input. Computed automatically if not specified. disabled: Whether the number input is disabled. visible: Whether the number input is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value = initial_value assert isinstance(value, (int, float)) if step is None: # It's ok that `step` is always a float, even if the value is an integer, # because things all become `number` types after serialization. step = float( # type: ignore np.min( [ _compute_step(value), _compute_step(min), _compute_step(max), ] ) ) assert step is not None id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiNumberHandle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiNumberMessage( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiNumberProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, min=min, max=max, precision=_compute_precision_digits(step), step=step, disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), is_button=False, ) )
[docs] def add_vector2( self, label: str, initial_value: tuple[float, float] | np.ndarray, min: tuple[float, float] | np.ndarray | None = None, max: tuple[float, float] | np.ndarray | None = None, step: float | None = None, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiVector2Handle: """Add a length-2 vector input to the GUI. Args: label: Label to display on the vector input. initial_value: Initial value of the vector input. min: Optional minimum value of the vector input. max: Optional maximum value of the vector input. step: Optional step size of the vector input. Computed automatically if not disabled: Whether the vector input is disabled. visible: Whether the vector input is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value = initial_value value = cast_vector(value, 2) min = cast_vector(min, 2) if min is not None else None max = cast_vector(max, 2) if max is not None else None id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) if step is None: possible_steps: list[float] = [] possible_steps.extend([_compute_step(x) for x in value]) if min is not None: possible_steps.extend([_compute_step(x) for x in min]) if max is not None: possible_steps.extend([_compute_step(x) for x in max]) step = float(np.min(possible_steps)) return GuiVector2Handle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiVector2Message( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiVector2Props( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, min=min, max=max, step=step, precision=_compute_precision_digits(step), disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), ) )
[docs] def add_vector3( self, label: str, initial_value: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray, min: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray | None = None, max: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray | None = None, step: float | None = None, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiVector3Handle: """Add a length-3 vector input to the GUI. Args: label: Label to display on the vector input. initial_value: Initial value of the vector input. min: Optional minimum value of the vector input. max: Optional maximum value of the vector input. step: Optional step size of the vector input. Computed automatically if not disabled: Whether the vector input is disabled. visible: Whether the vector input is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value = initial_value value = cast_vector(value, 3) min = cast_vector(min, 3) if min is not None else None max = cast_vector(max, 3) if max is not None else None id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) if step is None: possible_steps: list[float] = [] possible_steps.extend([_compute_step(x) for x in value]) if min is not None: possible_steps.extend([_compute_step(x) for x in min]) if max is not None: possible_steps.extend([_compute_step(x) for x in max]) step = float(np.min(possible_steps)) return GuiVector3Handle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiVector3Message( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiVector3Props( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, min=min, max=max, step=step, precision=_compute_precision_digits(step), disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), ) )
# See add_dropdown for notes on overloads. @overload def add_dropdown( self, label: str, options: Sequence[TLiteralString], initial_value: TLiteralString | None = None, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiDropdownHandle[TLiteralString]: ... @overload def add_dropdown( self, label: str, options: Sequence[TString], initial_value: TString | None = None, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiDropdownHandle[TString]: ...
[docs] def add_dropdown( self, label: str, options: Sequence[TLiteralString] | Sequence[TString], initial_value: TLiteralString | TString | None = None, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiDropdownHandle[Any]: # Output type is specified in overloads. """Add a dropdown to the GUI. Args: label: Label to display on the dropdown. options: Sequence of options to display in the dropdown. initial_value: Initial value of the dropdown. disabled: Whether the dropdown is disabled. visible: Whether the dropdown is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value = initial_value if value is None: value = options[0] id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiDropdownHandle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiDropdownMessage( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiDropdownProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, options=tuple(options), disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), ), )
[docs] def add_progress_bar( self, value: float, visible: bool = True, animated: bool = False, color: Color | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiProgressBarHandle: """Add a progress bar to the GUI. Args: value: Value of the progress bar. (0 - 100) visible: Whether the progress bar is visible. animated: Whether the progress bar is in a loading state (animated, striped). color: The color of the progress bar. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ assert value >= 0 and value <= 100 message = _messages.GuiProgressBarMessage( value=value, id=_make_unique_id(), container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiProgressBarProps( order=_apply_default_order(order), animated=animated, color=color, visible=visible, ), ) self._websock_interface.queue_message(message) handle = GuiProgressBarHandle( _GuiHandleState(, self, value=value, props=message.props, parent_container_id=message.container_id, ), ) return handle
[docs] def add_slider( self, label: str, min: IntOrFloat, max: IntOrFloat, step: IntOrFloat, initial_value: IntOrFloat, marks: tuple[IntOrFloat | tuple[IntOrFloat, str], ...] | None = None, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiSliderHandle[IntOrFloat]: """Add a slider to the GUI. Types of the min, max, step, and initial value should match. Args: label: Label to display on the slider. min: Minimum value of the slider. max: Maximum value of the slider. step: Step size of the slider. initial_value: Initial value of the slider. marks: tuple of marks to display below the slider. Each mark should either be a numerical or a (number, label) tuple, where the label is provided as a string. disabled: Whether the slider is disabled. visible: Whether the slider is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value: IntOrFloat = initial_value assert max >= min step = builtins.min(step, max - min) assert max >= value >= min # GUI callbacks cast incoming values to match the type of the initial value. If # the min, max, or step is a float, we should cast to a float. # # This should also match what the IntOrFloat TypeVar resolves to. if type(value) is int and ( type(min) is float or type(max) is float or type(step) is float ): value = float(value) # type: ignore # TODO: as of 6/5/2023, this assert will break something in nerfstudio. (at # least LERF) # # assert type(min) == type(max) == type(step) == type(value) id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiSliderHandle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiSliderMessage( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiSliderProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, min=min, max=max, step=step, precision=_compute_precision_digits(step), visible=visible, disabled=disabled, _marks=tuple( GuiSliderMark(value=float(x[0]), label=x[1]) if isinstance(x, tuple) else GuiSliderMark(value=x, label=None) for x in marks ) if marks is not None else None, ), ), is_button=False, ) )
[docs] def add_multi_slider( self, label: str, min: IntOrFloat, max: IntOrFloat, step: IntOrFloat, initial_value: tuple[IntOrFloat, ...], min_range: IntOrFloat | None = None, fixed_endpoints: bool = False, marks: tuple[IntOrFloat | tuple[IntOrFloat, str], ...] | None = None, disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiMultiSliderHandle[IntOrFloat]: """Add a multi slider to the GUI. Types of the min, max, step, and initial value should match. Args: label: Label to display on the slider. min: Minimum value of the slider. max: Maximum value of the slider. step: Step size of the slider. initial_value: Initial values of the slider. min_range: Optional minimum difference between two values of the slider. fixed_endpoints: Whether the endpoints of the slider are fixed. marks: tuple of marks to display below the slider. Each mark should either be a numerical or a (number, label) tuple, where the label is provided as a string. disabled: Whether the slider is disabled. visible: Whether the slider is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ assert max >= min step = builtins.min(step, max - min) assert all(max >= x >= min for x in initial_value) # GUI callbacks cast incoming values to match the type of the initial value. If # any of the arguments are floats, we should always use a float value. # # This should also match what the IntOrFloat TypeVar resolves to. if ( type(min) is float or type(max) is float or type(step) is float or type(min_range) is float ): initial_value = tuple(float(x) for x in initial_value) # type: ignore id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiMultiSliderHandle( self._create_gui_input( value=initial_value, message=_messages.GuiMultiSliderMessage( value=initial_value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiMultiSliderProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, min=min, min_range=min_range, max=max, step=step, visible=visible, disabled=disabled, fixed_endpoints=fixed_endpoints, precision=_compute_precision_digits(step), _marks=tuple( GuiSliderMark(value=float(x[0]), label=x[1]) if isinstance(x, tuple) else GuiSliderMark(value=x, label=None) for x in marks ) if marks is not None else None, ), ), is_button=False, ) )
[docs] def add_rgb( self, label: str, initial_value: tuple[int, int, int], disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiRgbHandle: """Add an RGB picker to the GUI. Args: label: Label to display on the RGB picker. initial_value: Initial value of the RGB picker. disabled: Whether the RGB picker is disabled. visible: Whether the RGB picker is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value = initial_value id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiRgbHandle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiRgbMessage( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiRgbProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), ) )
[docs] def add_rgba( self, label: str, initial_value: tuple[int, int, int, int], disabled: bool = False, visible: bool = True, hint: str | None = None, order: float | None = None, ) -> GuiRgbaHandle: """Add an RGBA picker to the GUI. Args: label: Label to display on the RGBA picker. initial_value: Initial value of the RGBA picker. disabled: Whether the RGBA picker is disabled. visible: Whether the RGBA picker is visible. hint: Optional hint to display on hover. order: Optional ordering, smallest values will be displayed first. Returns: A handle that can be used to interact with the GUI element. """ value = initial_value id = _make_unique_id() order = _apply_default_order(order) return GuiRgbaHandle( self._create_gui_input( value, message=_messages.GuiRgbaMessage( value=value, id=id, container_id=self._get_container_id(), props=_messages.GuiRgbaProps( order=order, label=label, hint=hint, disabled=disabled, visible=visible, ), ), ) )
[docs] class GuiMessage(Protocol[GuiInputPropsType]): id: str props: GuiInputPropsType
def _create_gui_input( self, value: T, message: GuiMessage, is_button: bool = False, ) -> _GuiHandleState[T]: """Private helper for adding a simple GUI element.""" # Send add GUI input message. assert isinstance(message, _messages.Message) self._websock_interface.queue_message(message) # Construct handle. handle_state = _GuiHandleState( props=message.props, gui_api=self, value=value, update_timestamp=time.time(), parent_container_id=self._get_container_id(), update_cb=[], is_button=is_button, sync_cb=None,, ) # For broadcasted GUI handles, we should synchronize all clients. # This will be a no-op for client handles. if not is_button: def sync_other_clients( client_id: ClientId, updates: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: message = _messages.GuiUpdateMessage(, updates) message.excluded_self_client = client_id self._websock_interface.queue_message(message) handle_state.sync_cb = sync_other_clients return handle_state